3 Things You Can Take Away From a Bad Date!*

I’ve been talking about dating a lot recently. But that’s just because there is so much to say! Whether it’s about finding the best dating sites, how to get back into dating, staying safe while dating or even just some good old date ideas, there’s always something to talk about – better still, there’s always stories to share too!

I think the worst date I went on was with a guy that I had politely said yes to on a night out because I didn’t want to hurt his feelings (rooky error). He made me pay for the entire date and that was just a total ball ache because I wasn’t even into the guy! That was a harsh lesson that taught me to be more honest with myself (and dates) and learn to say no and mean it!

Whether you’re part of the Oxford dating scene, the Sussex dating scene, the London dating scene, the Manchester dating scene or the Norfolk dating scene, I think we all have stories we can tell about bad dates. If you’re a Leeds single, a Liverpool single, a Wiltshire singles or a Nottingham single, a single alien from outer space, I’m sure literally anyone can weigh in here! Bad dates happen to the best of us.

But what can we take away from them?

What we want!
Most importantly, bad dates teach us what we want. We might think we want someone who loves food as much as we do but when they steal the biggest slice of pizza or the cheesiest slice of garlic bread from our shared meal, we might be forced to think again! A bad date will highlight to us what we really don’t like in a partner, and remind us of what we really want.

An evening off
Yeah okay, so the date might have sucked but what would you have been doing otherwise? Working? Scrolling through Instagram in bed, bitterly liking cute celeb couples and wishing you had a bae to cuddle up to? Sat on the sofa binge watching Netflix and eating a microwave meal for one? A date is a date – it gets you out of the house for a night off, even if it didn’t go how you wanted it to!

A realisation that you’re not ready
Sometimes, a bad date is bad because of you. Yep, it’s true! The date might be perfect but you’ll still find fault in it because you’re not ready. If you’re jumping into a new relationship too soon, if you’re still in a relationship, if you’re overcoming a difficult period in your life… whatever the reason, if you’re not ready, it will impact your date!

See? A bad date can have its perks! Whether it’s an evening off from your usual routine or something deeper, like self-realisation about what you want or who you want, as long as your date ends with you getting home safely, there’s no bad date that’s so truly bad you can’t take even one thing from it.
In the worst instance, you might at least get a free drink, right?

What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace

This post was sponsored by Digital Dudes Ltd but all thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. Haha these are all so true! I think my worst one was the first guy I dated at uni - he seemed v cute at first - foreign exchange student,
    cute accent, seemed smart (swoons) It was one all my friends were rooting for ... and it was going pretty well... until halfway through the date when he made an awful joke about killing jews (he was very stoically german which made it even worse- he was straight faced the entire time!) plus he didn't do things like holding open a door or when a little toddler fell over beside us i was like ohh!! and he didnt react - positives - i realised i want to be with someone who is caring and considerate and does the little things like holding doors and making silly faces at kids haha - and it makes a good story for terrible date comparisons!

    Great post!

    Anne // www.basifpa-and-did.co.uk

    1. Thank you so much! He definitely doesn't sound like the ideal date...! Makes for a good story though haha :)

      Thanks for reading!


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