What big eyes you have...let me eat you

What big eyes you have...let me eat you!
A familiar story? Red Riding Hood, yes. What I am referring to however is Foster the People's latest music video to their hit song 'Best Friend'. The video tells the tale of a new-to-the-business supermodel trying to make her way in the world of modelling. She envies other models around her, and is granted the power to eat these poor girls in order to steal the feature she desires from them...for example, big eyes. By the end of the video, the poor girl looks horrific and ends up making a fool of herself and throwing up on the catwalk. Needless to say that was the end of her career.
Despite the upbeat tune and postmodern video to accompany it, the song actually carries a very relevant deeper meaning that is completely topical in the era that we are living. The basic message of the song? Be yourself. And as simple as this message is, it's so so important to live by. Nowadays, young teenagers- mainly girls, but boys too- are constantly comparing themselves to perfectly photo shopped models, leading to ,sometimes, very serious consequences- as the video portrays.
The poor girl was beautiful enough to be a model, and yet still felt she had to eat other people to be perfect. How crazy is that? But again, lets look into the deeper meaning. Even people society deem to be 'perfect' have insecurity issues. Everyone has flaws, whether everyone else notices them or not. People think that perfection is a goal they can reach- it is not. Know why? It's because there is no one solid definition of perfection. Corny but true that 'you may not know it but you are already someones idea of perfect'. One day, you will find people, be it friends or a partner, who loves you for exactly who you are, flaws and all. When you too can learn to accept your flaws and love yourself, only then will you truly be happy. Until then though, chin up. If you ever feel down about yourself just remember it could always be worse- you could be eating other people to make yourself feel better.
Love from,
Florence Grace


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