When life hands you lemons, pour a shot of tequila

Life is not always easy. In fact, it's rarely easy. It's common knowledge that as soon as things in your life start to look up, bad fortune creeps up on you when you least expect it too and ruins some other part of your life. Right now, things are looking up for me greatly. Whilst trying to kickstart my career in journalism/radio presenting, I have found myself stumbling upon the opportunity to cohost a local radio show once a week, permanently. Obviously I am thrilled with this opportunity- it's an excellent way to get my foot on the first rung of the ladder that leads it's way up to my dream job (a radio 1 dj...more on that later).
  I've also been trying to get myself in shape. Being on a 4 month summer break from school has not been healthy. In fact, it has consisted mostly of sleeping, eating and drinking (the alcoholic kind of beverage of course...damn those empty calories!). My main source of exercise has been Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, and let me tell you it has been amazing- I would definitely recommend it. I lost 11 pounds in 10 days! So the health aspect of my life is also improving.
So understandably, with many aspects of my life looking up, the daunting date 14th August is looming over my head. Results day. One sheet of paper with a few letters and numbers scattered across one side of it, ultimately controlling my future. With my future career looking up and my health and fitness looking up, I can't help but feel that my results day will be the area of my life that bad fortune decides to play with. Obviously regarding my exams and results, whats done is done. So, on the 14th of August when I open that piece of paper... if life hands me lemons, I shall pour a steady shot of tequila! In fact, even if it all goes okay, a shot of tequila may be consumed anyway! I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed, and keep you all updated!
Love from,
Florence Grace


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