The big 100!!!

So, 10 months into blogging I have reached my 100th post! Insane, right? Anyway, I wanted to make my 100th post a special one, as it's quite a big deal, and the wonderful Justine, of Girl Gone Dreamer suggested I do some sort of list of 100 things relating to a certain topic. I thought this was a fabulous idea, and so had settled on "100 things that I have learnt whilst blogging!". However, I got to 50 and began to struggle. So this is "50 things I have learnt whilst blogging and 50 bloggers you must follow!" It's going to be a lengthy post but I hope you all enjoy it!

1) You make some AMAZING friends. Truly the best part about blogging has been all of the people I have met!

2) You can blog about literally anything- not just beauty and fashion. I've met bloggers of some really unique topics.

3) You'll learn a lot about a variety of topics, from mental health to feminism, to politics. It's all going down in the world of blogging.

4) You will engage in a lot of debates- some healthy and educational, some that are just plain arguments over a difference of opinion, all of them will end in some interesting result!

5) You can not escape drama...with a predominantly female community, there is always some sort of drama going on. It's best not to get involved.

6) There are little friendship groups. Don't worry about trying to fit into one- be friends with everyone!

7) You don't need to blog every single day.

8) Similarly, don't force blogging to happen- write when you feel like you have something to write about!

9) Don't adopt a style of writing that you aren't comfortable with because you've seen it work for someone else. Find a writing style that works for you!

10) Using correct vocabulary when writing about a sensitive subject, such as eating disorders, is important.

11) You don't need the latest technology to be a blogger, just internet and the ability to use a basic keyboard!

12) However, it does help to have good photography on a blog to engage with your readers.

13) Following on from that, engaging with readers is very important. Get feedback from them, both complimentary and critical- they're your audience so it's important that you write content they will enjoy!

14) Good grammar and punctuation is a must.

15) Similarly, there is NO excuse for poor spelling when you can spell check words online!

16) Do not start out expecting to end up as a Zoella or Velvet Gh0st straight away! Blogging requires time and effort, and big bloggers have been working at it for a while.

17) Just that- blogging takes time and effort!

18) The blogging community is an incredibly encouraging one, always willing to help you out with anything!

19) The blogging community is also incredibly supportive, too!

20) You can blog about anything, as personal as you like, and you will always receive support and love from everybody. I've read some incredibly touching blog posts and love how honest people feel they can be with strangers online.

21) You will be pleasantly surprised by who your audience really may think it's teenage girls, but you may have some older, male readers! (That is just one example!)

22) Blogging will open some wonderful doors for you- and unexpected ones too!

23) You will notice your knowledge in fashion and beauty increasing, as there is so much of it floating around the blogosphere!

24) Don't be afraid to post your opinion!

25) However, if you do post an opinion, be prepared for someone to debate with you.

26) Blogging looks great on UCAS/CV's and as part of a portfolio.

27) It's a great way to expand your writing skills if you're looking to go into a wordy sort of career, such as journalism!

28) Blogging will take over your life... "Ooh yes let's do this, then I can blog about it!"

29) If you weren't addicted to social media before, you will be now- how else will you keep up with what is going on in the blogging world?

30) You'll discover amazing new brands and products that you absolutely have to try!

31) You will meet bloggers of all ages, be them 50 something or 14, single parents, married couples- there is such a wide variety!

32) Blogging can help to inspire your career path- I went from photography, to photojournalist, to journalist in a matter of weeks.

33) You'll have to learn some sort of tech related stuff in order to keep your blog up to date and stylish. It's tricky but worth it.

34) Blogger meet ups go against everything your parents taught you as a child (e.g. not meeting up with strangers from the internet) but they are SO much fun!

35) You start to plan your day around whichever bloggers chat is happening that evening.

36) Hosting bloggers chats is super fun but will definitely crash your twitter with the crazy amount of notifications.

37) Blogging allows you the opportunity to develop yourself as a brand, allowing you to set up a business or become a freelance blogger and so much more, which I think is really excellent.

38) You get to work with some truly wonderful people, be them new up and coming businesses or already developed companies, or even just fellow bloggers.

39) If you have a question you think no one can answer for you, you can guarantee a blogger somewhere in the world will know the answer.

40) People are really lovely at promoting your blogposts, whether you ask them to or not!

41) You will begin to utilize your social media properly. I personally have started to swear a lot less on social media so as not to damage the reputation of my blog.

42) Regardless of which sort of blogger you consider yourself to be, you will still be welcomed into other blogger chats.

43) Fashion sense will improve- how can you take a good OOTD post if you don't look fab?

44) However, you will feel most comfortable blogging in your biggest, baggiest, comfiest clothes.

45) You should keep a notebook on you at all times to jot down those blog ideas that hit you at random intervals.

46) You'll find yourself inspired by so many wonderful people that you meet through blogging.

47) Reading other blogs will definitely lengthen your bucket list, inspiring you to do all sorts of wonderful things.

48) Blogging gives you a platform to inform, educate and share opinions with other people- it must be respected at all times.

49) People won't always like what your saying, or even like your blog at all, but don't let that discourage you.

50) Just be yourself, enjoy what you're doing and have fun!

Whilst blogging, you do meet a lot of wonderful people and make some truly amazing are 50 bloggers I think you have to follow!

1) Hollie from FPL Fashion
2) Katy from The Lilac Scrapbook
3) Ffion from A South Wales Blog
4) Sophie from Filthy Paws and Silky Drawers
5) Justine from Girl Gone Dreamer
6) Adele from Adele's Journey to a Better Life
7) Kirsty from Just a Little Bit Ginger
8) Vix from Vix Meldrew
9) Tara from By Catstello
10) Kate from IIH, Make up and Glitter
11) Jennifer from Young and Twenty
12) Elise from Elise Rose Blogs
13) Elle from Elle Bloggs
14) Lizzie from Peppermint and Panda Eyes
15) Emma from Essays and Wine
16) Abbie from Kittens in Top Hats
17) Poppy from Poppy Field
18) Abi from Abi Street
19) Rachel from Happy Little Syllables
20) Fii from Little Miss Fii
21) Lauren from Blonde Vision
22) Stephi from Stephie Lareine
23) Jessica from Blonde of Carbs
24) Hannah from Hannah Delacour
25) Charlotte from Charl Dee
26) Victoria from Rambling Make up
27) Kayleigh from Very Berry Cosmo
28) Christina from Christina Campbell Hughes
29) Simone from Married to a Geek
30) Danielle from Underland to Wonderland
31) Heather from 100 ways to 30
32) Frankie from Crazy Blonde Gal
33) Tashi from Tashi Skervin
34) Holly from The Persephone Complex
35) Chloe from Chloe's Concept
36) Rebecca from Blue Eyed Fashion
37) Sarah from Fawn Chic
38) Emmy from Emmy's UK Blog
39) Anna from Frazzled Beauty
40) Sami from Daisy Daydreams
41) Summer from Life As Summer
42) Dayna from etc-Dayna
43) Lauryn from Lauryn's Notebook
44) Zoe from Zoes Secret Style
45) Eleanor from Dream Love Live Fashion
46) Emily from A Little Bit Of Life
47) Justine from Justine Pendrill
48) Faye from Faye Ann MUA
49) Lauren from Longing For A City
50) Carl from A Blokes Eyeview

So there we have it...50 things I have learnt about blogging and 50 bloggers that I love! (In no particular order I should point out...)

I know this is a lengthy post but I hope you enjoyed it anyway! Here's to the next 100 posts.

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. Congratulations on your 100th post! And it is a wonderful one:)

    xx Tatiana

  2. Congrats on 100 posts! The things you wrote about blogging are so accurate. Thanks for putting me in the list too, great post :) xxx

    1. Thank you Zoe!! Haha I'm glad you think so, no problem! :) xxx

  3. Hi Florence, I nominated you for The Liebster Award Tag :)

  4. great post Flo and you got everything spot on! Really enjoyed it and thank you so much for the mention xx

    1. Thank you Hollie, so glad you enjoyed it! No problem xxx

  5. This is such a cute post idea, and it's definitely all true!! And thanks so much for putting me your list :) x

  6. Thank you! I'm glad you like it! You're more than welcome :) x

  7. I'M SUPER LATE BUT EXAMS AND ESSAYS AND STUFF but congrats on the big 100! This is *such* a cute post idea oh my gosh aren't you just adorable. I lovee your list of things you've learnt, plus the e-cards are brill - def going to check out some of the names I haven't on your list of 50.

    Congrats again Flo, well done :D

    Fii || little miss fii

    1. Haha no worries Fii! Hahaha I am glad you think so! Yes there are some fab ones on there that are definitely worth checking out! Thank you lovely :)


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