Fitness with Florence Grace #8

Since this week has a bank holiday, I have been all out of sync, and I totally forgot about doing a fitness post on Monday! So here it is now, better late than never.

I have been under my calories every single day, which is good in one respect, but as I only limit myself to 1200 calories a day, this isn't particularly healthy.

On Thursday, I actually had minor surgery on my toes, which have been causing me grief for seven months, more so in the last two months, and this surgery meant that I have been able to move a bit more, so I have managed to do Tae Bo once, and I'm hoping to build this up over the next week and beyond.

So let's look at my statistics this week...

Start Weight: 11st 4lbs

Waist Measurement: 33 inches

Goal Weight: 10 stone

How much I want to lose a week: 2 lbs

And here is where I am now...

Current Weight: 11 st 2 lbs

Current Waist Measurement: 30 inches.

Weight left to lose: 1 stone 2 lbs 

As per usual, my weight has not gone down but my tummy measurement has been reduced massively to just 30 inches, which I am over the moon about. Yesterday, I went out in a bralet- an item I have never worn in my life- and I felt so confident, which was an unreal feeling. I haven't bared my belly in public for about three years, and everyone was so lovely about how I looked and my progress. I now have 5 and a half weeks to get even more toned before jetting off to Barcelona!

How have you all done this week? Let me know! 

Love from, 
Florence Grace

Image is my own.


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