The final words to my ex.

Today's blog post is late, I know, but that's because it's been very hard for me to write. 

This is going to be the last time I write about my ex boyfriend and my previous relationship. Effectively, I am giving it all a final goodbye. 

Of course I know my relationship ended on New Year's Eve. Unofficially, it probably ended long before then. I haven't seen my ex since 27th of December, since last year, which is a really weird thought. And whilst I had accepted it was over, I had a teeny tiny part of me that still loved him and hoped we would get back together. 

I had deleted him from all social media except facebook, boxed up all of my things from him and taken down all of the photos. I got a new phone (by coincidental timing) and did not keep his number, nor did I send him my new one. But I kept him on facebook so we had some way of getting in touch should we need to talk about anything (getting back together). 

And then I was told he was seen partying with another girl. And something inside of me snapped. 

Of course, I knew that this would happen- I mean, it's inevitable! Neither one of us was going to spend the rest of our lives single. But I didn't expect it to happen so soon, less than two months later. 

On top of this is the fact that he was clubbing, though, and that's what really peed me off. Clubbing is something he totally refused to do with me and even stopped me doing myself because apparently he hated it sooooo much, hated drinking and drunk people and how drunk people acted. Huh. It is like a massive slap in the face to me- not only because he apparently lied to me but because he's clearly not who I thought he was. 

So, something inside of me snapped. I deleted him from facebook, demanded the money he owes me ASAP so I no longer have to speak to him (via his mum) and then did the final step...

I removed the friendship bracelet from him that he gave me on our first holiday together that I have been wearing for over three and a half years. I have never taken it off. Until now. 

I'm through with the mind games, the not knowing where I stand, not knowing what happened or why it did. I'm so done with it. I have better things to do with my time, with my life, then mope over a guy who doesn't give two s***s about me! So I deleted him, blocked him and cut off the bracelet. 

To me, that's it. Over. 

This is my final goodbye to you, Alex. We had a good run, a great five years together. But I'm so done with this now. I wish you well in your future endeavours- you certainly are no longer the person I thought you were. You'll always be important to me- you were my first love (and many more things) and so that will always mean something. I will never get over the fact that the last time I saw you your final words were "Next time you see me..." and then I never saw you again. It's so odd when that day was so lovely and I felt like everything was perfect. What happened in the space of a few days? It's not worth dwelling on I know but it's something I will probably always wonder about from time to time. But its over now, Alex. I'm done. 

And to my readers- thanks for putting up with my whiny, sad and dreary posts. They're over now. Onwards and upwards to dating, travelling, gig-going, working hard and having fun, enjoying life in every way that I can! Thanks for all of your support, it has meant the world and I would not have gone through this as well as I have without it. Thank you. 

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. YAY, good for you. A breakup is never easy and when you finally reach the moment when you're ready to say goodbye, it's just an awesome feeling. And if you ever feel down again, which will probably happen, just sing "Since you've been gone" from the top of your lungs and I'm sure it will help. :) Just do you for now and enjoy the single life. Learn how to live it, again. And moping is super ok. :)

    1. Thank you lovely. Haha yes, Kelly Clarkson and Pink with some good old break up classics from the early 2000's have been getting me through the hard times! Thanks! x

  2. I am SO proud of you!! Its time to focus on yourself girl and be positive. Forget about stupid boys that clearly don't know what they're doing and are happy to get through their life by lying. You do you babes and keep smiling xxxxxxx

    Abi | abistreetx

    1. Thank you Abi, I am so glad I can now focus on myself and my own work rather than dividing my time more than I need to! I love you so much xxxxxx

  3. Ahhh well done! It'll all get much easier from this point! For me, facebook was the main form of communication I had to take away...seeing a picture of a night out of his would have been horrible! But once you've cut all the strings (literally with your bracelet) it's much easier to move on and get happier! Good luck :) xxxxxx

    1. Thank you so much Jesska! Yes, I hope so! I feel a little bit happier each day so hopefully its only onwards and upwards from here! Thanks so much :) xxxxxx


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