
Today on Twitter the latest trend throwing out some pretty humorous tweets was "#TypeOfPeopleIAvoid". This inspired me for today's post, and I thought I'd make use of being able to use more than 140 characters and share with you the type of people I avoid! 

1) Negative people.
Whilst I do like a good whine now and again, I am a pretty positive person. I believe in myself, in all the things I do and things I am capable of doing in future and so on. So I can't stand being around people who are constantly negative about everything, be it about themselves, about other people or about something else entirely. Life is too short to be so miserable all the time! 

2) Anti-feminists.
If you don't believe in feminism, if you slag it off or act misogynistic or in a similar manner, I will not be spending my time with you. Feminism is a very real thing that is still desperately needed every single day. If you think otherwise, remove yourself from my social circle please.

3) Homophobic people.
If you only support white cishet people and don't believe in supporting/the rights of LGBTQ people and even go as far as to be nasty or rude about them, again, remove yourself from my social circle please.

4) Kanye West's. 
Not literally Kanye West, of course. But the people who act like Kanye West in terms of Taylor Swift- trying to steal credit for someone else's accomplishments or ride off of someone else's achievements and successes. Try and ride off of my achievements which I worked super hard for and you can ride off out of my life, buddy.

5) Copycats.
I have mentioned time and time again about how I feel about people copying my work (you can read that here and here). I know that friends naturally begin to share each other's likes and dislikes the more time they spend together and so on...but if you begin to full on copy what I do, how I talk, what I buy and so on I will get rid of you like that. Buh bye. 

6) Bitchy girls.
You know the one's I mean. The one's who will have perfectly manicured nails and will make a point of "complimenting" your home painted one's whilst their expression says something totally different. Or the type of girl who orders a salad whilst you order a pizza and makes a comment like "Oh it's so good you're comfortable to eat whatever you like and not care how if affects your weight". We all know a girl like this. Avoid them. 

7) Animal haters.
If you hate animals you must really have no heart and there is no room for that kind of person in my life, sorry!

So there's just a handful of people that I choose to avoid in life! What kinds of people do you avoid? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace

Enjoy this? Why don't you try... Internet friend day | The importance of good company 


  1. I agree with all of these! Especially toxic people (I'm in the process of writing a post about this.)



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