They say your biggest competition is yourself. You vs. You. 

I would have to agree with this. I am my biggest competition. If I do something more than once, I hope- and expect- to get better at it each time I do it, regardless of how long I've already been trying it or how long it's supposed to take to get better, or even if you can get better! 

A perfect example of this is my running. I have now been for three runs since the start of the month and am already forcing myself to be better than I was on the previous run. When I first started, I stopped at every other lamp post. On my second run, I stopped about 10 times. Yesterday, on my third run, I stopped twice. I know you're supposed to pace yourself with physical exercise but I can't help it. I want to be better every single time. 

It's the same with my writing, my blogging, my freelancing. I want to create better content than last time, make more money than last time, have more views than last time. I become genuinely upset if I feel like I haven't beaten myself

I am my biggest competition and so, in turn, my own worst enemy too. It's a hard life.

One year ago today, I had my first ever column published in a magazine. I feel like my writing has slacked since then, both in my published pieces and in my blogging, so this is something I am hoping to change. Daily blogging is a struggle- it's so hard to think of engaging and unique pieces to write up and post every day, as well as finding the time to do so between all of my jobs, exercising, family time and having a social life! 

Practice makes perfect, and I hope by the end of 2016 when I reach my last daily blog post, not only will I be a pro at producing fab content on demand but I will also be able to run further and faster with absolutely no stops. 

It can be hard being your own competition- but at least it allows you to focus entirely on yourself, not on anybody else. You can stay focused 100% on you- and therefore all of your time goes into bettering no one other than you. 

Are you your biggest competition too? Do you find it a struggle? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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