Things all Mum's do!

Mums. You gotta love them, right? Yet sometimes they can be so annoying! They do and say such frustrating things that all you can do is sit there staring at them like... what?! So I thought I'd compile a beautiful, gif filled list (you know I love them!) about the most common things all mums seem to say and do that grind our gears! 

They shout from five rooms away to get your attention and when you shout back she claims she can't hear you...or if you don't respond because you can't hear her, she gets narked, even though she wouldn't be able to hear you if you screamed back. Um, so how did you expect me to hear you? Huh? HUH? 

harry potter annoyed ron grumpy

They call you all of your siblings names and sometimes even the pets names before reaching your name. Seriously, mum, you have one job. Remember the name of your favourite child. Not that hard is it?

RealityTVGIFs rhoa real housewives of atlanta annoyed sigh

They suggest you eat foods they know you don't like when you tell them you're hungry. Mum, why? I'm hungry, not starved of food completely. I'm not going to eat that week old banana. 

whatever ugh annoyed rhony eye roll

Similarly, they complain that food they've bought is going to waste. But it's all food you don't like, so wouldn't eat, and haven't eaten since about...well. Birth. 

tv reactions frustrated shades annoyed

They seem to be controlled with a switch. One minute you're having a normal conversation, the next minute she's screaming about the washing machine, or something else like that. Why?!

annoyed eye roll apt 23 don't trust the b in apt 23 krysten ritter

They ask you to do chores. Then do them whilst nagging you about how you've not done them. And get mad because you haven't done them. 

frustrated annoyed kermit kermit the frog resting bitch face

They don't notice when you do something nice. Like clean the house or do the washing up when normally you're a lazy oaf. Huh. Won't try being nice again then! 

why ugh annoyed joe jonas amas

But hey, they aren't all bad! They only give birth to us, clothe us, feed us, wash us, help us to grow up, keep a roof over our head, feed us almost everyday and love us unconditionally always. So not much then, hey? 

Does your mum do anything on this list? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace 


  1. The one about being called all the names except your own is so accurate - my mum has 5 kids so we never know which one of us she's talking to! Very funny post, love the use of GIFs!
    Megan x

    1. My mum has three kids and we have two cats so there's five names to go through here too! Haha thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it! May have to do a post on Dad's next...


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