How to make a girl scream...
...with frustration because you are winding her right up.
That's right, boys. In case you didn't know it already, you can be pretty frustrating to the female species and do some pretty damn annoying things. If you find yourself guilty of doing some of the things on this list, you should probably stop ASAP...that, or the end of your life may be closer than you think.
Saying you'll do something and then never doing it at all.

Rearranging your balls- or even just giving them a scratch- whilst we're trying to help you engage in a mature conversation with either ourself or some friends.

Leaving dirty underwear anywhere but the wash basket.

Going out in clothes that totally don't match.

Leaving rubbish anywhere in the house bar the bin.
Say "I don't know, whatever you want" when we ask you to help us decide between outfits.

Complain about how long we take to get ready but when we are ready, you still aren't.

Make comments that imply we are fat e.g. "but you love eating as much as Shrek instead of working out"
Don't tell us we look nice when we have clearly made an effort to dress up for whatever reason.

Don't notice at all when we dress up for whatever reason.
Talk about your hobbies and then call our hobbies boring or stupid when we do the same.

I could go on- boys, you can be so infuriating! But I know us girls can be equally as bad! Let me know in the comments below what people of the opposite sex can do to annoy you!
Love from,
Florence Grace
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