Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink is one of my favourite films, a total classic that everyone must see. For me, it's up there with St Elmo's Fire and, of course, The Breakfast Club. The clothes, the music, the actors, the storyline...they are incomparable with the bland films we see rolled out every week in today's cinematic world. 

However, there is one 'deeper' thing from the movie that I love, and that's the lesson's we can take from the film. Because there are several and they are important. So today, that's what I have decided to share with you; the lessons we can learn from John Hughes' Pretty in Pink. 

1) Money doesn't matter. Even when it does. It doesn't.
One of the main issues the film focuses on is money- and effectively, social classes- and how it affects friendships and relationships and people's time at school and at home. The moral of the story of course turns out to be that money doesn't matter, people can love who they love, and whilst it seems to be solved so simply, it is a serious message that people should pay attention to! Money doesn't and should not matter, it's a material item that shouldn't change how you interact with other people. If you want to be friends with someone or date someone or do it then go ahead- don't worry about the money because you can't take it with you in the end!

2) Bad boys are always bad boys.
And in Pretty in Pink bad boy Steff is the worst. No matter how many girls he has he is the kind of guy that will screw every single one of them over, no matter what. Luckily the female protagonist has sense to see this and doesn't fall for his charms at all- go girl!

3) It's okay to "friend zone" guys...and it's okay for guys to accept this.
Whilst your heart will break for poor old Duckie, he is the perfect example of a guy who is stuck firmly in the friend zone. Andie is fully aware of the fact that Duckie is in love with her but keeps him and his feelings firmly at bay. Whilst Duckie's feelings don't fade, he accepts that he and Andie will always be friends and leaves it at that, refusing to push her or make her feel bad. And that's how it should be!

4) Never be ashamed of where you come from. 
Andie has a break down in the film, ashamed of her back ground and where she lives. Eventually, she comes around and this is important. Never be ashamed of who you are or where you come from- the right people won't care about it all. They will only care about you

5) Individual style is important.
Being the fashionista that she is, Andie is amazing at pulling off her quirky and unique style without giving a toss what anyone else thinks of her. Yes she is mocked and teased and bullied for the way that she dresses but when you look at everyone else laughing at her, you soon realise that Andie is the best dressed! Always stick to your individual style, it's a part of you so don't let anyone take it away from you!

6) Pink really is the best colour.
If you're feeling blue, put on some pink. Brighten up and customise an outfit with pink. Always wear pink. It is the prettiest colour and will put a smile on your face no matter what! 

Have you watched Pretty in Pink? Did any of the lessons in the film resonate with you? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. I've never watched this film - I don't think I've even heard of it - but I think these life lessons are things we can all learn from. Over the past few years I've had to navigate my way through life by reminding myself of these lessons.


    1. Chichi!!!!!! I am so disappointed!!!! YOU MUST WATCH IT! It's on Netflix xx


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