Internet creepin'

We're all guilty of it. You know what I'm talking about.


Yup. Be it your ex partner, someone you despise but still care desperately about what they're doing or someone you fancy the pants off but don't have the balls to confess to, there's probably someone in your life you have a Internet creepin' relationship with.

But the real question here isn't who the person is but rather why do we have a person/people like this in our lives at all? Why do we feel the need to follow people's lives without actually pressing that follow button? It's damn weird! Imagine if this was real life...if you followed said victim in real life as much as you click on their name in the online world, you'd probably have a restraining order. Half the world would.

Its bizarre that we care so much about what people are doing, yet not enough to click that follow button. It could be for a number of reasons; you don't like them but for some reason care what they're doing, you don't want an odd number on your "following" list, you don't want your friends to know you're interested in this persons life...the list goes on.

Some people might call it "admiring from afar" but to me, it's still pretty damn weird.

That doesn't mean to say that I don't do this myself, because I do! I won't confess to who or for what reason but there is a few people I check up on without pressing "follow".

It's just a waste of life really, isn't it? How many times a day/week/month do you click on someone's profile to "stalk" them, when really you should have been/could have been doing something else a lot more productive? It's ridiculous, really. Why do we care?

If you don't like someone, stop clicking on their profile.

If you fancy someone, be bold and give that follow button a click. 

But for the love of God we need to stop stalking people for negative reasons, it's such a waste of life! Go and get busy living your life!

To be honest, I don't think this post really has a point...its more of just a ramble to let out some scrambled brain thoughts! But I for one am definitely going to stop stalking people and make it a habit to have a strict follow or not rule- I'm not going to be an in between stalker, Internet creepin' on people for the wrong reasons (e.g. jealousy or boredom or envy!).

Is there anyone who comes to your mind when I say "Internet creepin'"? Let me know if there is in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. Personally, I don't call it stalking, I call it research. ;) I'm pretty sure we're all guilty of doing it, although I don't really do it on Twitter. More on Facebook and I will never stop doing it. The internet is a creepy place but if you put something out there, you have to deal with the fact that people read/look at it, if you want it or not. If people don't care about privacy settings, I don't think it's a bad thing, unless your intentions are bad and you use it for a bad cause. I think it's fun to stalk a new or ex girlfriend, your worst enemy etc. and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I'm pretty sure that people do it to me too. I ocasionally google myself in order to find out what's out there for people to find.

    XX Hailey - /

    1. I think we are DEFINITELY all guilty of this. That is true, but I think if you're constantly checking up on someone you don't like then there is a problem and you need to evaluate why you care so much about someone you don't like- but that's just my opinion, of course!


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