Shameless self promotion

I thought I'd use today's blog post as a bit of shameless self promotion- I hope you don't mind, it may be a little dull in comparison to some of my previous posts!

So, some of you may or may not know that I run my own magazine, Love from... magazine. I don't exactly make money from this, it's not a huge magazine but I am immensely proud of it! I have a team of writers, it is distributed across the UK and the USA, we stepped things up and made it available in digital format as well as in print format and now, we have a website/blog/YouTube launching!



That's right! On March 1st, not only are we launching Issue 4 of the mag, Love from...Dorkface (aka the lovely Jemma who runs Dorkface Blog and founded the Girl Gang) but we are also launching our website, blog and YouTube! I'd really love it if you all headed over to the Twitter account @lovefrommag tomorrow and checked for updates and joined in with the launch! Raising the profile of my little mag is my main priority at the moment because I'd love for this to grow and be the new Glamour magazine...but better, of course!

Other exciting things we have coming up are the covering of our first event, a concert we have been invited to not only cover but also to make a documentary of! Its also the magazines 1 year anniversary in June so there will be celebrations for that too!

I'm so proud of my magazine and hope so many of you will join me on Twitter tomorrow to celebrate this little bit of development for me and my team! Please say hi, join in with the things we have planned (potentially a small q and a!) and keep your eye's peeled for any opportunities we have on offer for bloggers and businesses!

So there you have it...some shameless, self promotion! I can't link the website now as it's a secret until it's launch tomorrow, but please do pop back to this post with any feedback you have on the site as and when you see it- I would really appreciate it!

As always, thanks to you guys. Without all of you who have encouraged me along every step of my blogging journey, this would not be possible.

If you need any more info on the magazine, please email and I will get back to you ASAP!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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