Very Inspiring Blogger Award

It never fails to make me smile when I get nominated for a bloggers award out of the blue, and it never fails to make me smile when I am called an inspiration- making my nomination for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award from A Blogs Life one that made me overly happy indeed! A Blogs Life is a very unique styled blog, and the only one of it's kind that I follow- it is run by all the family, which I think is incredibly sweet! So thank you to the whole lot of you for nominating me- I appreciate it more than you know!

The Rules

1) After being nominated, write a post, starting off with a mention of the blogger who nominated you, as a small thank you to them!

2) Have a bit of fun and come up with seven facts about yourself. 

3) Nominate 15 bloggers that inspire you for the award!

The problem with being nominated for bloggers awards, is that they nearly always ask you for facts about yourself! On top of this, I recently did a post named "50 facts about me" and a vlog with 10 facts about me! However, I shall try to think up seven brand new facts that I haven't' yet said in order to make this a little more interesting...

1)  I believe in mermaids. With most of the ocean completely unexplored, how can we guarantee there is no such thing as mermaids- or a mermaid like creature at the very least?!

2) I am addicted to carbs, they are my favourite food group and most of the food I eat is from that food group, thus making dieting very hard for me. Sigh.

3) I met Marina and the Diamonds and cried for twenty minutes straight afterwards.

4) I only learnt how to use an oven, kettle and microwave aged 17/18. I am yet to master the rest of the household appliances. 

5) I have been with my boyfriend since I was 14- I am now 19! 

6) I am allergic to nuts, but have accidentally eaten nuts on several occasions and nothing has happened. Doctors suspect I may have grown out of it but the only way to tell is properly digesting one whole nut, and I don't really want to risk that.

7) I am a columnist for a local magazine in my town, and cried when I held my first published piece because I was so overwhelmed/proud of myself! 

I hope some of those facts were a little different from my normal facts and that you learnt something new about me! I don't have 15 blogs to nominate because I always end up nominating the same people!! So I am going to go for:

Zoe's Secret Style

Underland to Wonderland

Life as Summer

Fawn Chic

100 Ways to 30

Hollie Garner 44

All of these bloggers are inspirational to me for their own unique reasons, and I admire the work they do every day! I hope you know how inspiring you are and enjoy participating in this award! 

Love from, 
Florence Grace 


  1. Aww haha great post!! :D

  2. Oh my gosh, I did a post a long time ago about the things I believe in and mermaids is on the list!! They may not look like Ariel but I'm sure they exist in some form.
    Thanks so much for thinking of me to nominate! You're so sweet.


    1. I agree! I think they look more like the ones on Harry Potter! No problem! xx

  3. Ah thanks so much for the nomination Flo! Loved your facts! I love the way you worded everything and i am so happy that i inspire you in some way honey xx

    1. No problem lovely- you've been through so much and are still as strong as ever, and that is the most inspiring thing of all! xx


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