To the one I love...

As February 1st rolls around each year, you can always guarantee the Valentine's Day posts are going to begin. What with social media playing the huge role that it does in today's society, the main culprits can be found on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Shops are culprits too, sidekicks to each social media platform, with emails flooding in, offering you various discounts on special gifts for him or for her and deals on where to spend your day.

However, each year I am left baffled over the posts about Valentine's Day. The vast majority of the posts that I read are entirely negative regarding the day. 

Whilst these posts are mainly to generate a humorous response among friends, I can't help but find the whole thing quite bitter. The whole reason behind Valentine's Day is to share your love for someone. I won't bore you with the in depth origins, but if you're interested, you can read up here

Now, I'm sure most of you will be thinking that I feel this way because I am lucky enough to have a boyfriend who I can share this romantic holiday with, but I can assure you that this is not the case. Valentine's has never been something I have felt bitter about, because I have always been surrounded by people I love. When I didn't have a partner to share it with, me and my friend's always did something together- because that is the beauty of Valentine's Day! It's a celebration of love. It's a day to show someone that you love them. This could be someone that you've hidden your feelings from, or someone who already knows but you feel like reminding them. In my humble opinion, it doesn't just have to be a partner. You could share it with friends or family- the holiday is about sharing love with people. 

As for the people that say "you should show someone you love them every day of the year", well you too are missing the point! Yes, whilst your statement is true, there is a beauty in Valentine's Day that you're clearly not seeing- it is a reminder to show people you love them. Although I'm not married, I am in a long term relationship, and I know how hard it can be. What with work, hobbies, friends and various other commitments you may have, sometimes you forget how to do the simplest things, such as simply sitting down with each other to ask about your days. With Valentine's being thrust into our faces each February, we are reminded how to show our love for someone we care about- and perhaps realise how much we have been lacking to do so before now. 

However, there are just people that don't like Valentine's Day, plain and simple. As I say regarding any topic, if you don't like it, don't take part in it. For a holiday that is all about love and compassion for those we care about, bitter comments are just not necessary, and don't reflect very positively on you as a person either! 

This holiday, try not to be so negative. If you don't have a partner, try and organise a night out with some of your single friends. If you really can't stand the idea of the 14th, just let it pass you by like an ordinary day. Being bitter and hateful is so negative and such a waste of time. Life is too short! Celebrate the holiday of love with the people you love, and take a moment to appreciate the people who love you too! And if none of this has changed your mind...well, just look forward to the chocolate that will be on sale as of the 15th!

Happy Valentine's Day! 

Love from, 
Florence Grace


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