Make Up Revolution- Mini Haul!

I've never really been one of those girls who is really into make up. Usually I'd just stick some mascara on, a bit of eyeliner if I was going somewhere special and that was about it. Make up was difficult to make look good and, above any other reason not to wear it, was expensive. I'd rather spend £8 on a cinema ticket or a nice top rather than on mascara or lip gloss. 
Then one day I came across Make Up Revolution. 

Little did I know, I had actually brought a palette from them before, a year or so ago, but the case had been unbranded and so I had no idea who it was made by. For £6 though, it was a bargain, and a good palette at that, so I started to wear different eye-shadows in different ways every single day. It wasn't until Make Up Revolution followed me on twitter and I had had a little peruse through their website that I discovered that the miracle palette had come from them! It didn't take much else to persuade me to go on a mini shopping spree. With make up costing no more than £10 an item, and starting with prices as low as £1 an item, my spending was quickly getting out of control! Eventually, I did the sensible thing and created a 'Wishlist' (a very handy tool on the website!) whilst ordering just the essentials...

I had run out of foundation about six months ago, and since then hadn't worn foundation at all. Whilst this had done my skin the world of good, when I did have a spot it was a pain in the backside. This dinky tube of foundation cost just £2!!! Ordering foundation online is a bit of a tricky one as you can't compare the tone of it with your skin tone, but I took a wild guess and went for the most natural looking one- Natural Beige. Luckily, it was the perfect colour for my skin tone and blended in so smoothly. For £2, you really get good quality foundation and for not a lot of money! 

To cover my whole face, this was the amount I needed to use.

Using my finger tips, the foundation blends in smoothly and leaves no messy orange lines at the edge of your face.

When fully blended in, you're left with a flawless cover- you can't even tell there's any foundation on!


When I had brought the mystery pallet before, it had come with a free, mini eye primer. I had never used eye primer before, but found it to work so well and hold my eye make up firmly in place throughout the day. I was devastated when it ran out, but once I discovered it was manufactured by Make Up Revolution, this was the first thing I put into my basket- the Focus & Fix Eye Primer! I'm not going to lie, there a few different types of eye primer on the website but I wasn't too sure of the difference between them! This one however is just a basic primer and successfully keeps my eye make up on all day! An absolute steal at £2.50!


I've always admired girls who can successfully apply and look good in lipstick- for me, it has never worked. The lipstick always fades, rubs off or makes me look like a clown. It wasn't until I read a blogger's review (and I wish I could remember who it was!) on the Lip Lacquer that I decided to re-try with colouring my lips. The review I had read had been about the Salvation Velvet Lacquer- the blogger had written about how the colour didn't budge at all throughout eating, drinking and lasted for hours. I meant to order two, in red for special occasions and in pink for more of an everyday look. 

Red lacquer is 'Keep Trying For You' and pink lacquer is 'Gave You All My Love'.

However, what I accidentally ended up with through lack of reading properly was a Velvet Lacquer and an Intense Lacquer. The difference I found between the two was this- the velvet lacquer acts like a matte lipstick, bold with intense coverage in just one stroke of the brush. The intense lacquer is more like a thick lip gloss and the colour lasts for about 4 hours- longer than your standard lip gloss. 


At £3 each these lacquers are absolute bargains, and I am definitely going to invest in more colours from both collections! 

Now, I know I said I was shopping for the essentials but this was irresistible- 144 eye-shadows for just £10! It was half price, so usually only £20- still an absolute bargain! I could not believe my eyes! Already knowing how good Make Up Revolutions eye-shadows were, I brought this palette without a second thought...although out of fear of messing the beautiful layout up I am yet to try it! 

If you like the look of any of these products, they are all available here- along with a whole host of other, unbelievable, excellent value for money products! It's amazing that for such low costs, the products are of such high quality- and the staff behind the business are extremely helpful and friendly too. Make Up Revolution have sparked a love of make up in me that I never knew existed, and I can't wait to explore this love further...roll on pay day so I can purchase more of my wish list!

Love from, 
Florence Grace

Do you shop with Make Up Revolution? What is your favourite product? Let me know in the comments below! 


  1. You picked up some great stuff. I love the Salvation Lip Laquers. Great post x

    1. Yes, me too! They're a good investment. Thank you so much! x

  2. great review honey! It looks like makeup revolution is the place to go! x

  3. Thank you Hollie! It definitely is, in my opinion! x


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