"Dear daddy" by Being Woman

On the 16th December, "Being Woman" on Facebook shared a video that has resurfaced today and is seemingly about to go viral and break the internet in a big way. The video is the message of an unborn female child to her father, telling the story of what will happen to her at the hands of males throughout her lifetime, pleading her father to protect her as she grows up. 

The main gist of the video is to respect women. Don't call them whore's or slut's or other derogatory names that will damage how people view women but also how women are treated. It also encourages men to stop their brothers, friends and son's from doing this too. It's quite a heartbreaking video, and one that I think resonates with a lot of women, if not all women. 

It definitely resonated with me. I have suffered at the hands of a partner with a bad temper, bad enough to break doors with a single punch and break my spirit with unkind words, and have been called every name under the sun by numerous boys since I was the age of 12. It's amazing how easily the words drop out of people's mouths, without thinking of the consequences that may follow- I myself am guilty of using "slut" and "bitch" without even thinking, letting the words just run right out of my mouth. It's damaging. 

It has to stop somewhere, and here and now in 2016 it is long overdue that we stop calling women such disgusting adjectives in an attempt to shame them and make them feel bad about being a woman- especially when it isn't true! Slut, whore, slag, bitch, cow, even simple non gender specific words such as stupid or idiot used when a woman makes a suggestion or comment, they're all so damaging and they all do effect women in the long term, regardless of what you or others may think. 

To be honest, it's about time that everyone was just nice to each other or ignored each other. There doesn't need to be this toxic middle ground where we spend time hating on each other. Even if you don't like someone, you should still respect them. Treat them like a human. Behave appropriately and politely. Have respect for one another. 

Being born a woman is dangerous, it's true. But it shouldn't be, and it doesn't have to be, if people just start treating women like humans. It's not difficult and it should come as naturally as treating men like humans- so why doesn't it? 

The next time you find yourself going to say something derogatory or nasty to a woman, stop a second. Press that pause button. Think about what you're about to say, and why you're about to say it. Is it going to make them happy? Is it going to make you happy? Why do you feel the need to say something so poisonous? 

By the time you've thought all of this through, hopefully you'll have seen sense and won't want to make the comment- and will refrain from doing so. 

Women are humans- so let's treat them that way. 

Love from,
Florence Grace


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