Valentine's Day!

It's St. Valentine's Day today- the holiday of true lurrrve! 

As I'm sure most of you will be aware, currently I am single, and this is my first Valentine's Day alone. Whilst I should have been on holiday in Bruges with someone I thought was my soul mate, I instead was at work and with my family, doing nothing romantic at all. But has it been sad? Absolutely not. Instead of celebrating Valentine's on just one day, my friends have allowed me to celebrate for the whole weekend- something I never would have done with my previous partner, who slept more than he was awake.

Yesterday, I met my best girl friend Bobbie in London for a lunch date and she surprised me with a bag full of gifts to make me smile as it was my "first valentine's without presents". In the evening, I went to the cinema with my two best boy friends, James and Alec. Today I was at work with my lovely work girls and then this evening I'm spending it having a meal with my sister and exchanging gifts- I've really spoilt her so I can't wait! 

In addition, I have spoilt myself- I treated myself to a new sweatshirt, some new nail varnishes and false nails and a new diamond ring in the shape of a love heart, which was quite apt!

My point is that Valentine's Day really doesn't have to be all bad- I have had quite a lovely time! Valentine's is all about love, so the point of today is to spend it with the people that you love. This could be anyone from your parents, your siblings, your friends or your significant other! Just make sure you share your love as well as receiving love from others. If you haven't already shared your love with someone today, do it now! Send someone a funny picture saying "saw this and thought of you- love you!" or go and give your mum a hug and let her know how much you appreciate her. 

Don't feel bitter or sad about being single- there's someone in your life that you love and who loves you, so share this day with them!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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