Why Bridget Jones is a true hero
Bridget Jones is often deemed the film for single women. We feel comforted by the fact that there is a fabulous example of how much worse things could be for us. But I see it differently- I see Bridget Jones as a total hero for women, for far more than her relationship status. Let me tell you why...
She never gives up.
No matter how many times she fails with her diet, fails to give up smoking and drinking and fails to find a "nice, sensible man", she never lets it keep her down for long, constantly trying time and time again to achieve her resolutions. What a trooper.

She is always there for her friends.
Who cares if she's meant to be hard at work, when your friend calls you from the bathroom crying over her latest ex, you answer! Similarly, when your friend unknowingly makes you smuggle drugs back from your holiday and then abandons you, you forgive her. Because that's what friends are for, right?
She is totally independent.
No matter how handsome Daniel Cleaver is, when he screws her over she knows exactly how to stand up to him- even when it means quitting her job! Hashtag girl power!

She deals with CONSTANT abuse for being single and her age.
So what if she doesn't have a real career, a husband, 2 kids and a dog? She's perfectly happy as she is and doesn't deserve to be harassed all of the time, yet she takes it anyway.

She improvises out of awkward situations incredibly well.
Remember the launch party? As she tried to be intellectual and had to excuse herself from a complicated conversation by asking where the toilet was, or when the microphone wouldn't work for her speech? Or what about where she burst in on Marks lawyers meeting thinking he was having an affair? She's a real gem.

She stands her ground.
Not only against men, but against evil women too. Her mother, Mark's girlfriend Natasha, her boss at her TV job and the 'jellyfish woman' in the second film are just a few of the people who continuously throw shady comments her way.
She has a great sense of humour.
Whether she's laughing at someone or making someone else laugh, she has a great sense of humour and isn't afraid to laugh at herself and her own mishaps.

She is brutally honest.
About everything. Oh. Except giving up smoking. She makes her feelings clear, always, and wears her heart on her sleeve. If she's upset, angry, insecure or blissfully happy, you'll know about it.

She chooses granny pants over a thong.
Need I say more?

She is real.
But we love it. She tries so hard to act like a lady but she swears like a lad, throws back alcohol like nobody else, has several wardrobe nightmares and embarrassing social moments (such as the one's listed above). She is such a real person, not like the standard female protagonist in classic "romcoms" who are always slim and beautiful but think otherwise, have the fortune to find a handsome man and end up with him with almost no bumps along the way. Bridget Jones is a timeless example of a 21st century woman!

Do you agree that Bridget Jones is a hero? Do you compare to her in any way? Let me know in the comments below!
Love from,
Florence Grace
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