People who take credit for your accomplishments.
"There are people along the way who will try to undercut your success or take credit for your accomplishments...but if you just focus on the work and don't let those people side track you, someday when you get where you're going, you'll look around and you will know that it was you and the people who love you that put you there and that will be the greatest feeling in the world".
These were some of the inspiring words Taylor Swift spoke during her acceptance speech at the 2016 Grammy's last night. Now, I don't particularly like Taylor Swift and find several flaws in how she deals with things such as feminist issues, but these words really resonated with me.
There are a handful of people who constantly try to turn my successes in life on themselves. Some say it as a joke, such as "well don't forget you wouldn't have done that if it weren't for me *wink face*", whilst others say it being genuinely serious. It grinds my gears. Who the hell do these people think they are?! How dare they try and take credit for my accomplishments?
Yes, you may have introduced me to someone, you may have given me an idea for a blog post, a means to improve my magazine. But are you there with me at the networking events? No. Are you writing my blog posts for me? No. Are you up till 4am after a day at work editing magazine pages? I don't think so. Other people may assist me in reaching the next level, they may provide me with some help- which I am totally grateful for, of course I am- but these people don't do all of the hard work. And to think that they deserve the credit for my hard work purely because they were with me at point A whilst I'm not at point F, M or even Z is completely absurd.
Unless you have held my hand and walked with me through every single step of my journey, through the up's and downs, the hard times and the good, the successes and the failures, you are not the reason I make accomplishments. Get a grip, please. Go and make your own successes and stop trying to ride off of other peoples!
I feel like Taylor said it best, and it's always going to be true- people will always try and take credit off of your accomplishments so that they can be successful without doing any of the hard work themselves. Shake them off (no pun intended) and move forward without leeches like these- they are truly toxic people to have in your life!
Believe me, I know.
Love from,
Florence Grace
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