
Today is #InternetFriendDay and this is a day that means a lot to me! I have built a career on the internet and through that I have made the most wonderful friends because of it.

This is a concept that can be a little hard for people to get their heads around. As children we are told over and over not to share personal details over the internet, not to speak to people we don't know for fear that they may not be who they say they are. 

And hey, I guess there is still that risk. Of course there is. You can be anyone you want to be on the internet. However, it's not all bad news any more. Now that there is a growth in online activities such as blogging and vlogging, strangers from all over the world can connect via the mere touch of a button and friendships are formed. 

Whilst many still envision a creepy old man sat in a dark room befriending naive individuals across the internet, this is not the only kind of person socialising across the internet now- almost everyone does it now! And yes there are still dangerous people with bad intentions pretending to be someone that they're not, but there are a huge load of genuine people out there ready to make genuine friends with you.

On #InternetFriendDay I'd like to say a huge thank you to all of the friends who I have made over the internet. You always support me, my blog, my magazine and are always just there for me. Justine, Hollie, Lydia, Katy, Abbie, Abi, Ffion, Fran, Chichi, Rosie, Hannah (Pickup), Emma, Sophie and so so so many more. If we tweet, facebook, instagram, whatever, thank you! I love having you all in my life and am so happy that the internet bought us together! 

Whilst you still must be wary of people on the internet and always should be careful, don't forget that it is a great place to meet new people and create new opportunities!

Love from,
Florence Grace

Like this? Try... Rise of the superstar vloggers | The importance of good company


  1. Awwww what a lovely post hun! And thank YOU for being an amazing friend to me. We've both had our fair share of lows of late but putting that all behind us... The future is looking bright! :) xxx

  2. ah thank you so much for the mention sweetheart (i hope that is me you mentioned lol) always with you hunni xx


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