What I'm grateful for

This week didn't just see in pancake day (yum) but also the beginning of Lent. Every year I say to myself that I will give up one thing or another for Lent, and every year, I never do.

This year was no different.

I had actually thought about it this year! But then I realised Lent had started and I'd still been eating chocolate and binge watching bad TV and being negative so what was left to give up?! I've read a few blog posts and tweets about what people are giving up in order to improve their lives and remind themselves how grateful they are to have this thing that they are sacrificing and so on and so forth and I thought "aha- gratitude!" 

Gratitude is something I can do. So this post is about what I am most grateful for, right now. My best friends.

Seeing as I spent the early hours of the start of Lent with them on one of the best nights of my 2016 so far, how could I not be grateful for them?

Alec, BJ and Ricarda are almost like additional limbs of mine; when they aren't around I genuinely feel like something is missing from my life. When we're together, time flies. We have so much fun and we never stop laughing. We have so many hilarious conversations, amazing memories and plans to do so much more together. 

They have picked me up from the black hole that I found myself in at the start of 2016, when I was in a place so dark and so lonely I felt like there was no point in anything. Who saved me from myself? My wonderful best friends. I love them so dearly, they mean absolutely everything to me.

Of course, they aren't the only ones. In 2016, there have been quite a few little gems, some old and some new. Bobbie, my best girl, James, Lucy, Chloe Hill, Chloe Smith, Hannah, Charlie...all of these people have dragged me out of the bleakest part of my life so far and reminded me just how fab my life really is. 

Thank you- all of you- from the very bottom of my heart. I am so grateful to have you all in my life, making me smile and feel great every single day!

This blog post is for you.

Love from,
Florence Grace

What did you give up for Lent? Let me know in the comments below!


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