10 things that happen when you're white girl wasted

We all like to have a few too many on the odd occasion, right? And there's no harm in that! A night out with good friends and some drinks is a lot of fun! However, sometimes we can find ourselves crossing the line from wasted to... white girl wasted. And then some dangerous things happen. Such as...

people white people graham heather white girl wasted

1) You think you can dance. After one too many Vodka and cokes the inner Beyonce rears her head and you begin to bust some shapes on the floor. Who knew you were so talented? 

dancing party girls drunk will ferrell

2) Every girl is your best friend. From lending out combs in toilets (Talia, I'm looking at you), to pulling loo roll off of every girls high heel (except mine, thank you Alex!), girls seem to be each others soul mates. Until...

drunk best friends best friend drinking

real housewives reality tv rhobh real housewives of beverly hills best friend

3) You're always ready for a fight. She looked at me how? He just pulled my hair by accident! They're staring at me! Only one way to sort this out... fight! 

Because, you know, you're secretly as good at wrestling as you are dancing. 

Oxygen television bad girls club fight bgc

4) Shots are always a good idea. Regardless of the fact that you're already half passed out on the floor, consuming more alcohol is always the way forward.

drunk drinking drink classy girls night

5) Every song is your song. And you feel the need to scream this to everyone at the top of your voice. "Oh my GOD guys this is MY SONG!" 

happy party rock zooey deschanel new girl

6) Beer goggles become very real. Because is he really that cute though? Really? 

dancing party creepy drunk drinking

7) Hunger reaches new levels. You might never have consumed a twenty box of chicken nuggets before and then chased it down with a messy kebab and some cheesy chips but that's damn well what you fancy- and will do- right now!

hungry patrick spongebob squarepants eat burgers

8) Emotions are worse than when you're on your period. One minute you're crying over a guy that hasn't text you, the next you're laughing hysterically over who know's what...and then you're lairy, ready for a fight with the next person who looks in your direction.

crying emotional anchorman will ferrell upsets

9) You're suddenly a millionaire. You begin to throw money around like confetti. YOLO BITCHES. Until tomorrow. 

10) You don't want the party to ever end. Because you know the list of regrets tomorrow is going to be so long and tonight really wasn't worth it. 

drunk fail fail fall drunk twerking

Love from,
Florence Grace


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