What stops me swiping right

Since becoming single in 2016, I have had a bit of a love/hate relationship with the dating app Tinder. Initially, my friend Charlie from work suggested that I join for a bit of a laugh and yes, initially it did cheer me up, reading crazily weird bios and looking at very unfortunately angled pictures that people seem to feel best represented them. I did still take it semi-seriously though, being asked on a few dates that all fell through after I made it clear that I wasn't going to sleep with them on this first "date". Lol. One guy even unmatched with me after I declined his invitation to come to my house- that's right, he invited himself over! After politely declining, he unmatched and I have heard nothing since.

Anyway. There have been so many hilarious moment's with this dating app that I thought I'd make (another) list using (more) gifs for your guys pleasure, all about what stops me from swiping right on Tinder!

Topless photos. If your main picture/only picture is you topless/fully naked then nope, you are not the guy for me and I am not going to be pressing that little love heart to try and match with you.

Warner Archive classic film sigh the wrong man distressed

Photos with one girl. A group of mixed sex friends is fine. But if most of your photos are with one girl- especially the same girl- then I am gonna get a funny feeling about the relationship the pair of you may have and what your game is here. No swipe for you today. 

why no personal sigh im done

Only one photo. Are you a catfish? I think so. How am I supposed to know you're real if there is only one image that could be sourced from Google images?! 

david bowie what bowie annoyed wut

No bio. How am I meant to find out anything about you? I know an element of mystery is sometimes good in any new relationship but knowing absolutely nothing about you is no good for me. 

no stop annoyed enough eva green

You don't smile. If you pout more than the average girl and I can't gauge what you look like on a normal, day to day basis, it's a no from me. 

PUMA no unimpressed usain bolt running

You lie about your age. If your age says 20 and in your bio it says "actually I'm 17" I will not be impressed and I most definitely will not be swiping. Go back to playing Sims or whatever it is you kids do nowadays. 

beyonce no finger wag wags finger

Do you use Tinder? What prevents you from swiping right? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. Super macho pics, pics with a kid, usually with pets too because it's mostly all show, when they're clearly 10 years older than they say, girls, naked, only party pics, no picture at all and so much more. Guys are just super weird and give me more and more reasons to stay single, everyday. :D

    xx Hailey - www.haileyjaderyan.com // www.instagram.com/haileyjaderyan

    1. Haha yes, yes and yes! I agree with all of those!


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