Tacky, tasteless and unromantic...I'm talking celebrity wedding's of course!

I promised my readers a nice, ranty blog post today, so a ranty blog post you shall get- today's topic is on celebrity weddings.

In today's society, we all have celebrities that we love, admire, obsess over and what not. We follow them on all social media platforms that we can, read about their lives in magazines, watch their lives played out on TV and get involved with them on a daily basis in any way that we can.

I myself am guilty of this. I adore Tom Hanks, and will be the first to like his Instagram posts, retweet his tweets and will cry incessantly over any appearance in film/tv. I love him the way I would love an uncle, or grandad- and wish he was one of those to me!

However, one thing that I can not abide is celebrity weddings. Weddings are beautiful, momentous occasions, where two people who love each other are united together for all of eternity. To me, moments such as weddings are incredibly personal, and should be shared with the people who matter most- family and close friends. Photos captured will hold life long memories, videos can be played among yourselves whilst you reminisce over what a truly magical day it was.

So, given that this is my view on weddings, I can not stand seeing a wedding between celebrities/a celebrity and their other half being splashed across a 12 page magazine "exclusive" for a ridiculously large price. Why?

1) The battle of publicity. Magazines will battle against each other in order to be the one to get that exclusive deal and that cover story on the wedding. They will fritter away hundreds of thousands of pounds just to be the only one to get the story. They don't care about the union of the couple, they don't care about the magical, once in a lifetime day- they just care about business, and I think the loss of the true meaning of the couple's wedding day is very sad.

2) The huge waste of money from the media. Magazines will fritter away hundreds of thousands of pounds to be the one to get the cover story. Here in the UK, money is a severe problem, with many people struggling to live a simple life, relying on benefits, charity and food banks. Money would be used in a far more beneficial way if it was used to assist charities, but hey, don't worry, I'm sure Mark Wright and Michelle will appreciate that you paid for their million pound honey moon for them.

3) Do the celebrities even want to get married, or are they short of some extra cash? We are all familiar with the marriage that lasted less than 100 days between Kim K and Kris Humphries. A lot of stories arose when the pair split, wondering if they did it as part of a financial scam. Which is, of course, highly likely. Are you a celebrity, struggling for some cash? Don't worry. Get married, and you'll earn thousands from desperate magazines worldwide.

4) Where is the romance? I find it hard to believe that the day is as special as it would have been had there not been cameras present. Whilst under scrutiny of the media, you can be sure the couple would be worrying constantly about how they were presenting themselves, how their guests behaved, what they said. There is no way they could act naturally at their own wedding- how can true romance be based on an act for the camera?

5) It's all for show. Everything to do with the big day would have to be right for the cameras. Maybe you wanted a certain hairstyle, but it makes your face look unphotogenic, so you had to have a different one. Maybe the dress you wanted wasn't big and flashy enough for the media attention it was going to gain, maybe your groom was too pale so was forced into an orange tan. There's no way a wedding isn't built around the fact that it will be publicized, which makes the whole event seem like it is just for show.

To me, weddings are better when they are intimate, with people who really care about the union of a couple in love. Look at Brad and Angelina, Tom Hardy and his wife, Beyonce and Jay-Z. Whilst they have revealed photos and videos since the wedding (and I mean at least 3 months later, or in Bey and Jay's case, years later) they kept the whole affair private and well under wraps.

Of course, when you share your life with the world, you will probably want to share the biggest day of your life with your fans too, and I am all for cute snaps on Instagram, a heart rendering tweet with a sweet photo from the big day, but I think inviting media to the wedding itself and having the whole event broadcast to the world is tacky and unromantic.

What do you think, though? How do you feel about celebrity weddings? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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