Fitness with Florence Grace #7

This week has been slightly better than last week's dud week; I have eaten less and moved more! I even went out in a CROP TOP which is a massive, massive step for me, so I was very proud of myself! 

Due to my feet, I've still not been able to do any major work outs, but have been doing my russian twists and crunches, reverse crunches and squats and press ups too. I reduced my tummy size in inches, and remembering that I was 36 inches around the tummy before I started doing this strictly, then started this at 33 inches, to now be 31.5 inches is a huge achievement for me! 

I have walked a lot this week, around my local town, to and from places, around a vintage car rally and went on a  bike ride. I had one unhealthy meal whilst I was celebrating an achievement with my boyfriend, but besides that, I have been under my calorie intake almost every single day. 

So let's look at my statistics this week...

Start Weight: 11st 4lbs

Waist Measurement: 33 inches

Goal Weight: 10 stone

How much I want to lose a week: 2 lbs

And here is where I am now...

Current Weight: 11 st 2 lbs

Current Waist Measurement: 31.5 inches.

Weight left to lose: 1 stone 2 lbs 

So whilst I've lost a bit more from my tummy, my weight still hasn't reduced that much. However, as I said before, I'm not too fussed about the number on the scale, as long as I look slimmer and more toned. 

Well, I hope this week is even better! Let me know how you're doing in the comments below! 

Love from,
Florence Grace


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