A Night with Katie Hopkins!

Whether you love her or hate her, everyone knows her...the infamous Katie Hopkins. Controversial to most people's opinions, I adore Katie- I genuinely think she's fabulous. It's not that I necessarily agree with all that she says (although I do agree with most) but it's the fact that she is not afraid to speak her mind, regardless of what may come back to her because of it. She is, and I quote "40 and fearless". As a writer myself, I find this attitude very admirable, and it inspires me on a daily basis. When the tickets went on sale to participate in a Q and A with Katie as well as a meet and greet, I decided this was an opportunity that I could not afford to miss! The event was held on the 17th floor of The News Building in London, which is the Sun's headquarters. The room was made up entirely of glass windows, so the view was absolutely incredible- especially at night, although unfortunately I couldn't get a picture! Luckily, me and my boyfriend...