
Looking to give your website or blog some additional exposure, grow your social media presence or simply boost your engagement? Let me help! I offer 3 different advertising packages suitable for bloggers, vloggers and small businesses.

Bronze Package- £7.50
- Button in the sidebar of my blog
- 2 promotional tweets a month
- 2 retweets of your own promotional tweets (e.g. a new blog post link)
- Inclusion in 1 #FF (Follow Friday) tweet

Silver Package- £15
- Button in the sidebar of my blog
- 8 promotional tweets a month (2 per week)
- 4 retweets of your own promoional tweets (e.g. a new blog post link)
- 1 promotional post on Instagram
- Inclusion in 2 #FF (Follow Friday) tweets

Gold Package- £20
- Button in the sidebar of my blog
- 12 promotional tweets a month (3 per week)
- 8 retweets of your own promotional tweets (e.g. a new blog post link)
- 2 promotional posts on Instagram
- 1 promotional Facebook post on the Love from, Florence Grace Facebook page
- Inclusion in 4 #FF (Follow Friday) tweets

My Stats
Correct as of 22/06/2018

Twitter: 2,352+
Instagram: 2,183+
Facebook: 411+
Total Page Views: 84,645+
DA Score: 18

All packages run for the duration of a month (from the 1st of the month to the last day of the month).

All payments can be made securely via PayPal.

There are three of each package available each month (nine packages in total)

Twitter and Instagram options are dependent on you having a Twitter and Instagram account.

Promotional retweets are dependent on you sharing enough links etc. for me to repost from you. I will not be able to fulfill the full quantity of retweets if there isn't enough organic tweets from you.

If at any point you post or share content that is believed to be damaging to the Love from, Florence Grace brand (e.g. racist remarks, derogatory content) then the advertisement of your blog/business will be terminated with immeadiate effect and you will not be refunded.

If you have any further questions about advertising on Love from, Florence Grace or if you want to create a unique advertising package that caters to the specific needs of your blog or business then drop me an email at 

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