Turning 20!

On November 1st, at 3:29pm to be exact, I will be twenty years old.


The range of emotions going through me vary a lot. On one hand, I'm excited! I'm an adult, people have to take me more seriously, it's a brand new chapter of my life and...well, presents! On the other hand, I'm terrified. I can no longer use being a teenager as an excuse for my lack of responsibilities. Teenage years have been the best time of my life- I don't want to let them go! I also feel old. 

However, I have been reflecting on my teenage years a lot and thought I'd share with you all of the lessons I've learnt that I will be carrying with me into my twenties!

1) Friends aren't always forever.
I've had more "best friends" over the last six years than I can count on one hand. Maybe some of them were my fault, but some were the friends fault- we fought, we drifted and all that jazz. I'm friends with just two people from school now, and a few people from college and I consider them all of my best friends- there may not be many but it's definitely quality not quantity! I'm hoping I will manage to hang on to them throughout my twenties (and hopefully beyond that!)

2) You will be screwed over in a BIG way at least once.
It's how you learn to deal with it that makes the difference. You can sit and mope over it or you can cut off the people who have hurt you, learn from it and take that lesson with you- that's what I choose to do. I've been lied to, deceived, manipulated and back stabbed countless times, especially being from an all girls school. As in point one, it's quality not quantity- keep your circle small and full of people you can trust completely.

3) Eyebrows matter.
I went through my teenage years defying the eyebrow trend because I seriously did not care about them. Mine are so light you can hardly see them anyway! Then, about three weeks ago now, I got them waxed and threaded for the first time, then bought myself a brow pencil and started to look after them- well, okay, I admit defeat. Eyebrows do make a difference to your face. Next up, mastering contouring...

4) Trust your gut.
You are always right. Your friends might try and persuade you otherwise, but if you're not 100% happy of comfortable don't do it. It could be saying yes to a boy who wants to take you out, trying drugs, going to a party...whatever it is, if you're not happy, don't do it.

5) Be true to you.
I spent so, so, so, so, so, many years trying to emulate the way the girls around me dressed, did their make up, spent their money and so on. It wasn't until I left secondary school that I learnt who I really wanted to be, and began living that way. I changed massively, and I think a lot of people I bump into from school are surprised when they see me.

6) YOLO...kind of.
You're only a teenager once. So use these wild, crazy, hormone littered years to have all the experiences you want. Dramatic heart break, drunken nights in fields whilst your parents think you're sleeping at a friends house, hanging out at the park for 12 hours a day meeting new people each time, being crazy happy and then crazy sad with no explanation other than "it's just how I feel!", getting random piercings and dying your hair because it seems like such a good idea at the time and so on. Go crazy because other adults will only accept it when you're a teenager. After that come *gulp* responsibilities.

7) Get a job.
I couldn't wait to work and have worked since I was 16- I love earning my own money and don't understand people who don't look for a job as soon as they can! Your teenage years are about the only time you'll have a job without being taxed and having to pay bills, so all the money is yours! Savour it...and maybe save some for later in life. I probably should have done...oh well.

8) Boyfriends rock...when they're right.
I have been with my boyfriend for over five years now and can honestly say I don't regret a moment of it. People told me over and over to put my friends first and to forget about serious relationships at such a young age. Pfft! Most of my friends abandoned me when I got a boyfriend because they didn't like him, I got new friends that I could balance with my boyfriend and no, I do not regret not being able to "get with" other boys at teenage house parties. I love my other half and love that we've been able to grow up together!

9) There will be dark days.
You won't want to get up, you'll feel numb, you won't stop crying. Sometimes there'll be a reason, sometimes there won't be. You'll curl up under the duvet and hibernate for days, sometimes longer. Such is the life of a teenager but things do get better- evidently, because here I am- and life goes on. It feels like forever at the time but I promise it's not.

10) Have fun!
Always have fun, no matter what you do. Make crazy memories, take hundreds of photos, be addicted to social media, fall in love, go to parties, spend too much money, laugh until you feel a six pack forming, go crazy. This doesn't apply to teenagers and is probably one of the most important lessons I will take with me through the rest of my life. Have fun every day. And if you're doing something that's not fun, and not making you happy? Stop. Change something. Life is too short to be miserable.

11) Take every opportunity you can!
I thought being 19 would suck because being 18 had been so good, but I was wrong- it has been the best year of my teenage life. At the start of my teens, I was a little reserved, I dropped all of my clubs and hobbies because they weren't "cool" and some I wish I hadn't. Now, I say yes to as much as I can- and because of it I run this blog, I'm a radio presenter, a trained TV presenter, a freelance writer, a social media manager, run my own magazine and even work with 4music sometimes! I still have to pinch myself that this is my real life and it's all because I learned to say yes to more things and do more by myself! Don't worry what other people will think- if you want to do something that will make you happy or benefit your life, do it! Say yes!

Being a teenager has been a roller coaster, but a lot of fun- being 19 has been amazing  and I have had such a great and successful year! Now, let's see what the twenties will bring...

Love from,
Florence Grace


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