Problems with being in an LTR

I have been with my significant other for over five years now- that is over half a decade and, in short, an incredibly long time. We've been through our up's and down's, good times and bad and made plenty of memories that I will treasure for a life time. In all honesty, I wouldn't change my relationship for the world. My other half may not be perfect, be neither am I- who is? However, being in a long term relationship (LTR) does come with it's problems, and I'm not talking partner-based problems either. Here's what I struggle with in my LTR...

1) Relationship status. They're your best friend, other half, soul mate and every other term you want to use in the book. They're everything. The word 'boyfriend' or 'girlfriend' simply doesn't cover sounds so immature, like you're 14 and going on your first dates still. But what does work...partner? Significant other? It's just such a dilemma! Also on job applications, "Are you single or married?" Well...I'm neither? Yet "boyfriend" or "girfriend" or "dating" doesn't seem professional enough so you send silent apologies to your partner as your click "single". First world problems.

2) Comparisons. People who have been together for way less than you and your other half have are suddenly getting engaged, having babies, moving in together. The stress is real- should you be at this stage to? Is there something you should be doing that you're not? You thought everything was fine but here's Sandra and Alan getting engaged after 8 months! Clearly you're doing it wrong. It becomes worse when Sandra and Alan come up all smug "Oh, when is it your turn?! Heheheheh" Bore off.

3) Romance. You don't love each other any less, and yes you occasionally do sweet things for each other but in general, you're far more relaxed because you know how you feel about each other. Until you see your boyfriend sat picking his nose whilst your friend receives roses from her boyfriend of 3 weeks. You feel envious...but do you care? Your man is perfect- nose picking and all! Flowers every now and then would be nice though...

4) The jokes. "Oh my GOD you two have been together since, like, FOREVER when are you getting married????" HOW HILARIOUS. Not. Your jokes are uncomfortable, not funny and not appreciated. See point 2- comparisons between other couples who are moving faster than ourselves is not okay! We are happy going at the speed we are. Similarly "Aren't you two bored of each other yet?" and "You only like each other because you know nothing else" are also not appreciated.

5) The spark. It's joked about time and time again but it's true, you do have to make sure the spark is still there. Don't let everything slide because you're comfortable together, you think he/she is your best friend as well as your partner and so can treat them like a's important to still make the effort whilst knowing you no longer have to try too hard. Striking the right balance in an effortless way is a fine art- but one that will indeed appear to be effortless if you're with the right person. Aw

Are you in or have you been in an LTR? Do you or did you face any of these problems, or perhaps other problems? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. My boyfriend and I have been together for just over two and a half years and I totally get what you mean. So many people I know are having babies and getting engaged and I'm sat here like "what?". It's great though, they do become your best friend, and I'm not sure I'd fare well being single now that things like Tinder exist!

    Megan / Lazy Thoughts

    1. It's crazy, isn't it? I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way!! No, I feel the same in regards to things like Tinder too haha!!!


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