My favourite TV shows*

Everyone loves watching TV, right? I used to watch it literally 24/7 and would freak if I missed out on any of my favourite shows and had to watch them on catch up. However, as I got older and grew interested in other things- such as blogging- my TV addiction faded away and now, I rarely watch at all.

However, one thing that has been bad all the way through is my TV. It's pretty small and is on the other side of the bedroom, so the struggle with eye straining is real. This Christmas I've asked for a new telly, to improve the TV watching experience- and I've found that Panasonic have a great range to choose from! The hardest part is...well, choosing one! Have a look, which one do you think looks best?

Once I've got a new TV, I'll definitely be able to enjoy programs properly and will actually be able to see what's going on! Me and my boyfriend have started to watch a lot of programs again, but we rarely watch one off programs; we like to start whole series together! We've watched some good series and some not so good series, which look a bit like this:

Good series:

Bad Series:

That's right, I hate two of the most popular sitcoms there are. I'm sorry, but Big Bang Theory isn't funny- and neither is How I Met Your Mother! However, I feel I do love some amazing shows, such as Empire! That's definitely an amazing addition to Tuesday night TV as well as being a show I would recommend to literally everyone! And whilst Gotham is a little on the violent side, which isn't my usual choice of show at all, it's got a great story throughout which makes it so addictive! I'm sat here waiting on the next series rather impatiently...

I'm definitely going to be ordering the boxsets of some of my favourite shows to watch all the least I will for Empire and Gotham!

What TV shows do you love and hate? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace

This post was kindly sponsored by Panasonic. 


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