Slashers- who are we?

I recently saw an article written by ELLE magazine about a new generation of women who are successfully holding down numerous careers. The phrase that's been coined for these women is "slashers".

I am a slasher. Having left education with some idea of what I wanted to do and a vague way of getting there, I now hold down eight jobs, some paid and some unpaid. Three provide me with my main source of income- the remaining five are more for the experience, contacts and getting my foot into the world of media based careers. It's hard work and often I'm working for 14 hours a day to get everything done and meet deadlines- all whilst maintaining a social life and studying a diploma too!

I also know many other 'slashers', women who are starting their own business whilst working full time and doing a multitude of other activities such as being a mum, studying, blogging and the likes. It's not uncommon for people to be holding down more than one job. But is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Me, I'm all for female empowerment and I think if a woman can and want's to hold down more than one career then why shouldn't she? Take a look at the vast majority of celebrities nowadays who we praise for doing their profession, e.g. singing, yet also bringing out a book, DVD, perfume and products. We always celebrate them and how talented they are, despite knowing that they probably didn't do much of these accomplishments single why don't we do the same for normal women who do complete these same style accomplishments all on their own?

The article in ELLE magazine briefly mentioned how 'slashers' are often perceived as women who can't settle down, can't make ends meet and don't really have their lives together. To me, this is so wrong. On a personal level, I do make ends meet and I do have my life together, yet I still fit into this 'slasher' category, as do many other women I know. It's ridiculous that women are being criticised for having the talent, time and capabilities to hold down more than one career. It's definitely something to celebrate- these women are building empires for the women of the future so that they will have more exciting opportunities than are available now, and they're building an empire to support them for the rest of their lives. How is this possibly a bad thing?

It isn't.

The fact that there has been a rise of 'slashers' says one thing to me, and it's not the obvious "everyone's broke so they need more than one job to get by" excuse. Women want more. 50 years ago, women couldn't build empires, least of all build empires and get praised for it, very easily. Now, with more doors open to them than ever before, millennial women especially are taking opportunities with both hands and squeezing everything they can from them. And it's working. There are more women running their own mini (and massive!) empires than ever before, more female entrepreneurs trying to break into a multitude of industries, pushing aside the male oppression's telling them what they aren't able to do and ignoring the archaic views of older women saying that they need to pick one career, start a family and settle down.

Us 'slashers' are breaking the mould, creating a new norm and paving the way for generations upon generations of women to come. If we're slashing anything, it's societies expectations of women and what we can and can't do.

The phrase "jack of all trades, master of none" is dead. Millennial women- "slashers"- are capable of so much more now. So go out there and make something of yourself! Be bold, be brave and be creative- it's time to build your empire.

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. I totally agree with this post! I guess in some ways I am a 'slasher' because I am a career-focused and ambitious woman who's working hard. I am a full time university student (in my final year!) I run my own blog, I freelance write for a few magazines and blogs, and I have three paid flexible jobs working as a student ambassador for three companies, so I'm very busy! But it's nice to be doing multiple things and pursing multiple interests and passions.

    1. Chichi, you are definitely part of the Slasher gang!! Well done you for balancing so many different hobbies and jobs, if we are capable of doing so many things, why the heck shouldn't we?! I couldn't agree more, it's great to have so many things to be passionate about!

  2. BRAVO!

    I've been a slasher since I was at university and have always received many weird eyebrow looks from people. I've now left university and I now hold down a full-time marketing job, a blog, a weekend bar job and I also review comics! All of which I enjoy doing. I wouldn't have it any other way (including the bar job, which surprises people as there's this rumour going about that people don't really enjoy bar work and do it out of necessity).

    Morag x

    1. Morag, sorry it's taken me so long to reply! Good on you girl for being one of these slashers like myself- we rock!


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