Saving face!

When it comes to my face- or rather, looking after my face- I am the worst. I often leave my make up on when I go to sleep simply because I'm too tired to take it off, or if I do take it off I just use a babywipe (I can feel all the beauty bloggers screaming at me right now). I do use a moisturising strobe balm underneath my foundation which keeps my face quite soft but that's honestly about it. I don't really have many major skin issues, so skin care just isn't something that I think about. So when my friend Chloe, who is the account manager of Clinique at the Aylesbury Boots store invited me to come down and find out about their different skin care products I thought, 'why not?'. Well, I'm not lying when I say that girl has changed my life . For real. I have never used Clinique products, and obviously never had a facial or skin care routine, so I had absolutely no idea what to expect and let Chloe have complete free reign with my skin...