10 Signs Your Boyfriend is a Keeper

Dating nowadays is so hard . You have to go through so many stages of 'talking' and then 'seeing each other' and then 'dating' before committing. And half the time, the boys you're talking to bail before you even get further than talking anyway! They either end up ghosting you completely or revealing their true fuckboy colours and forcing you to cut all ties (even if you do end up calling them every time, without fail once you've had a few voddy and cokes- sigh). However. It's not all doom and gloom. If you're lucky, then soon enough you'll find someone you think is 'the one'. A boy- or, rather, a man- who sweeps you off your feet and proves to you that actually, all men aren't the same. The problem is, these guys are so few and far between, how are you supposed to know when you have found a genuine keeper? Don't worry, girls. I've got you covered. Here are some handy signs that will indicate to you w...