Online Dating - How Do You Stay Safe?*

Over the last 18 months or so, we have see more media publicity than ever before about abuse and ill treatment towards women, including things such as the #MeToo movement. The awareness of how men behave towards women in public and, more importantly, in private has increased massively and is now something people are talking about more and more. As someone who has been treated horrifically by men in the past, the #MeToo movement is something that really resonates with me, and when I started dating again, it was very important to me to find a man who treated me with respect, had the same values and ideas as me and identified as a feminist - which, let me tell you, is not easy to find. Obviously I started my dating journey online, and that is where I think the problem really begins - whilst hiding behind a computer of phone screen, people can pretend to be whoever they want to be. They have the courage to say whatever they want to say, even if it's in no way appropriate becaus...