It's not me, it's you.

People can be right pricks, can't they?
It's not often we don't take the blame for a relationship breakdown, be those friendships or romantic relationships. We often tell people it's us, not them. That we're sorry things turned out this way. That we should have tried harder, that we could have done more, that we will regret this. Never do we turn around and say "actually, it's not me, it's you". Because sometimes, the other person really just is a piece of shit and there's not much that can be done about that.
This is something I'm going through at the moment. On some days, I'm having a pretty hard time.
In the last twelve months I have had to cut off two people who I considered to be lifelong best buddies, three relatively close friends and a dozen of other distant pals in order to protect my inner peace (lol) and my bloody happiness. And whilst to them, it might seem as if I did this ruthlessly, I've been pretty cut up about it ever since. Dare I say it, I even miss them sometimes!Obviously it's the "best friends" which have affected me the most, and on numerous occasions I've considered reaching out to make amends, just because I miss them. I thought about apologising for what happened, being the "bigger person" and putting things right.
And then I gave myself a firm talking to.
Because do you know what? It wasn't me at all. I didn't need to apologise for anything, I didn't need to feel sorry for what went down, because it wasn't me, it was them. It was them who upset me, them who pushed me so far I had no choice but to cut them off, them who stabbed me in the back, played me for a fool and tried to ruin my happiness. Why should I apologise for their shoddy behaviour?
You only get one chance at life, and you have no guarantee how long that chance is going to be. For that reason, it's important that you only surround yourself with the best people, the best surrounding, that life has to offer. If someone is making you unhappy, creating a toxic environment for you to be in, causing you any kind of suffering, you have to just cut them off. And no, you might not get closure, but you can sit there and feel reassured in the fact that "it's not me, it's you".
Life is too short to spend it with shit people - nasty people, toxic people, selfish people. They say you are made up of the five people you spend most of your time hadn't you better choose those five people wisely?
This is a message we all need to pay more attention to.
We really need to stop spending so much time pining after people who are no good for us, trying to keep relationships and friendships going that are only dragging us down and draining us. Most importantly of all, we need to stop shouldering the blame for every single relationship or friendship that goes wrong.
Of course, sometimes it might be your fault and you might have to hold yourself accountable - this happens! But there is no need to shoulder the blame if it genuinely was the other person's fault and you're just too scared to tell them so. Don't fret over what you could have done better, what you should have done to be better and so on - sometimes, people are just shitty and there's not much else you can do about it - just explain to them that "it's not me, it's you" and leave them to deal with themselves whilst you walk away with a clear mind.
Say it with me: It's not me, it's you.
Love from,
Florence Grace
Wow Florence! This post has come at the perfect time. After receiving spiteful and rude comments from a so-called 'friend' over the weekend, I am done. I've decided to distance myself and cut ties. We are no longer friends, but I guess it was a long time coming. She disrespected my time on numerous occasions and wouldn't make the effort to maintain communication. Then she was harsh with me over the weekend and that was the final straw.
ReplyDeleteI've lost a number of people over the years, including people I never ever thought I'd have to cut off, and I know I will continue to lose people in the years to come. But you're right and this is the reality of life: sometimes people are just awful and while it's easy to blame oneself, it's important to remember that the other party is truly at fault (when that's clearly the case). Sometimes you have to cut people off (whoever they are) for the sake of your sanity, well-being and inner peace. It doesn't matter how much that person meant to you or how long you've known them. Even if you had a deep connection at one point, it doesn't excuse their poor behaviour.
When it reaches that point where they've hurt you so bad that you have to cut them off, then they've got to go.
I'm so glad this came at the right time - I'm sorry you've had to deal with that from a friend but glad you've been strong enough to cut ties! I think people are so quick to ask "what's wrong with me", without realising that actually, it's something wrong with the other person! You can't make people into good people, no matter how much you'd like to! They have to want to be good people in the first place.
DeleteThanks for sharing your thoughts! x