22, you've been fun...

I dunnoooo about youuuuuu but I'm feeling twennytwoooooooo Sorry guys - it's the last day I can sing that and mean it, because as of 3:29pm tomorrow, I will be turning 23. 23!! I can't cope, that just sounds so old to me. Growing up I thought that by now I'd be married, own my own home and have at least one baby, probably with another on the way. L O L Can you imagine me with a baby right now? Jonny takes up enough of my time and energy as it is, let alone with a baby too... But seriously, here I am at 23 and nothing about the life I'm living now is as I planned or expected - or, in some cases, even dreamed. Being 22 has been amazing for me. I've achieved so much - things I would never even have considered being within reaching distance for me. I've cut off some of the most toxic, poisonous people you could imagine and surrounded myself with only the best people in life. I've worked longer and harder, I've found peace with body im...