New year, new me (for real this time!)
I haven't sat down to write a blog post since November. Truth be told, I've barely even given my blog a second thought. It's just been sat here in my little corner of the internet, waiting to be used whilst it sits gathering dust.
It's kinda sad really, because once upon a time, blogging was my life. It was what I lived for. Now, I can't remember the last time I sat down to read a blog post, comment on a blog post or even attend a blogging event. All of my time and energy is put into Twitter and Instagram instead.
Instagram has long been my favourite platform to share content on, but after the 'bug' we all encountered the other day, hinting at what the future of Instagram could be, I realised what an error this was. I've heard some of my favourite bloggers, Vix and Lydia, talk about putting all your eggs in one basket and not neglecting your permanent blog for your potentially temporary Instagram profile but have never listened. Well, now I am.
My blog is back and so am I - and blogging is definitely going to be something I really focus on in 2019.
That's not all I'm going to be focusing on in 2019 either.
2018 was an absolutely incredible year for me - in fact, I'd go as far as to say it was the best year of my life. I thought 2017 was, what with finding Jonny, discovering self love and body positivity and getting my new job but in 2018 I seemed to do all of that but more so - as well as adding even more to the mix. 2018 saw me moving out with Jonny into our first home together. It saw me landing more freelance clients, getting back into the radio industry, landing two presenting gigs, making my magazine a monthly magazine, getting one of my biggest inspirations on the cover, landing my first full time job, loving myself absolutely and completely and helping others to do the same, travelling more, tripling my salary, becoming a published author and getting a pet cat.
Amazing, right?
That's not to say there weren't any low points - there absolutely were - but the high points definitely outweigh them quite dramatically. I cut off more 'friends' than I care to remember, dealt with a nasty bully, battle with my mental health at the start of the year... none of that was easy but everything that I did and achieved is more than enough to wipe those lows from my memory of 2018. Now, in 2019, I want to aim higher, achieve and receive even more.
Looking after me
In 2019, I plan on making myself even more of a priority. I want to:
- Pamper myself more. More baths, more facemasks, even little things like moisturising daily. You can beat a bit of R&R and it's definitely something I don't indulge in enough. My time is nearly always spent with someone else, so in 2019 'me time' is definitely going to become more of a thing!
- Keep track of my mental health and wellbeing. I want to keep track of this using something like a wellbeing planner, so I can monitor my highs and lows and find out what might cause them. I want to make sure I really protect my inner peace and mental stability in order to live my very best life.
- Exercise more. I am participating in RED January for Mind Charity (you can read more and donate here!) which means I will exercise every single day in January to raise money for Mind, a mental health charity. I will also be attending my mums circuit classes once a week, walking 10,000 steps a day minimum, and after January doing 3-4 workouts a week minimum. Exercise has so many benefits (not just weight loss) and I can't wait to start reaping the rewards of hard work.
- Look after my hair. It sounds so small but it's in seriously bad condition and I want it to be healthy and shiny, and most of all, to grow!! I guess this comes under pampering really...
I basically just want to continue on my journey of self love and continue to live my best life, really trying to just be better than I've been in previous days, weeks, months or years. Life is about continual growth and evolution and that's what I want to work on in 2019.

Working harder
In 2019, I want to push my limits and achieve even more than I did in 2018:
- I want to develop QUEEN Zine, a project I started at the end of 2018. I want to make sure I release it on a fortnightly basis and that it goes from strength to strength.
- I want to increase my salary. In 2018 I was able to triple my salary, and whilst I'm almost 100% certain that won't happen again this year, I would definitely like to see an increase; be that through my full time job or through my side hustles. And speaking of side hustles...
- I want to get creative. For the last couple of years, I've said that my resolution is to write a book and/or start a podcast. This year, I actually want to do one of those things.
- I want to land 2-3 presenting gigs.
- I want to begin publishing my work on websites, other blogs and in magazines again.
- I want to make sure I do at least one blog post a week - I refuse to just rely on Instagram for content anymore when it's clear that it might not be the best platform in the long term. I'm excited to fall back in love with blogging and to begin writing for me again.
In 2018, I saw a lot of the world with Jonny - we really got the travel bug! In 2019, we have a lot of trips planned already but I really just want to see as much of the world as possible!
- I want to go on a mini break/holiday at least once a month, even if that's just within the UK. Despite living here all my life, there's still so much of it - in fact, almost all of it! - that I haven't seen! We already have Scotland, Jersey, Mallorca, Malta and Ibiza planned so I'm open to more suggestions from you guys as to where we absolutely must go!

- I want to make sure I try the food that each place is known for wherever I go, rather than just sticking to my favourites, or foods that I know! "Safe foods" so to speak haha.
- I want to be a bit more adventurous with where I go. I've never strayed outside of Europe so even if I only book a holiday in 2019 for 2020 I want it to be somewhere outside of Europe!!! (America, Australia, South Africa, I'm looking at you!)
I also want to achieve a couple of other things that don't really fall into the previous categories...
- Open a LISA and save the maximum amount I can. I know it's limited so I also want to open another savings account to put money in. I'd like to have saved a minimum of £6,000 by 31st December 2019! Someone please hold me accountable for this.
- I want to host a girls meet up. Earlier in the year I did a post on insta about wanting to make my own girl gang for girls who felt like they didn't have any gal pals. It was half a joke, half not, buy so many people told me they wanted to join and do a meet up! So I definitely want to do that this year and get lots of girls together to help make friends!
- I want to think before I speak. I know only too well that I have a bark worse than my bite, my tongue can destroy people it's so sharp sometimes! I want to really take the time to think before I respond to something so I can act more rationally and say less things that I don't mean when I'm upset or angry. If you speak to me and I seem to take ages to reply, just know now that I'm thinking and processing before responding!
- Continue to be more 'woke' (lols) and help other people to be. All year long I have spoken very openly on social media about trans rights, sexism, racism, misogyny, the pay gap, rape and sexual assault, politics and everything else. I think I've been more open and honest about my feelings about it all in 2018 then any other year and I've had a lot of interesting discussions with people about it. I want to continue to do more of this in 2019!!!

Whew, I think that pretty much covers it to be honest. It sounds like a lot but when you consider that there is 365 days in a year, I feel like there is definitely opportunity to achieve most of the things on this list.
2018 has been amazing for me but I hope to continue growing, evolving, achieving and succeeding in 2019 whilst I live an even better life than the one I've lived this year.
Happy New Year everyone! I hope it brings you everything you want and more.
Love from,
Florence Grace
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