
Showing posts from May, 2019

#MentalHealthAwarenessWeek - Body Image and Mental Health

This week (13th - 20th May 2019) is Mental Health Awareness Week. This year, the theme is Body Image - how we think and feel about our bodies.  Those of you who have followed me for some time will know that for about two years now, if not more, I have been an advocate for body positivity and self love. More recently, you may have seen me featured in a story in The Metro , talking about a body shaming incident I experienced on holiday and how I dealt with it.  There's absolutely no denying that there is a direct correlation between body image and our mental health. I know that personally, when I'm experiencing a "bad body day" and don't feel very positively about my body, for whatever reason, my mental health goes down the drain too. Yet when we feel good about our bodies, this can be reflected in our mental health too.  When I experienced body shaming in my bikini on holiday, I felt the lowest I had in a while. I believed the words I'd heard -...