The problem with pin-ups.

At this day in age, we are used to seeing the female body naked. It might be in films, to portray a sex scene. It might be in advertising, such as the campaign "I'd rather go naked than wear fur" campaign by PETA. One of the worst forms of female nudity in our society however is the Page 3 Pin Up girls. One word- why?

Page 3 pin ups are something I have never understood. Whether that's because I lack sexual attraction towards women or not, I don't know. But I just can't get my head around two major points about pin up girls. Firstly, why would you want to smack an image of a naked woman, who doesn't look anything but trashy, in the middle of a well respected newspaper, such as The Sun? Secondly, what woman wants her naked body displayed as a grainy image in a newspaper for aging business men to ogle over on their train journey home to their wife? I just do not understand.

Let's first look at this from the woman's point of view. Obviously the women who embark on this modelling venture have one of two thoughts in their mind- either "I have no other choice and need money, I have a good body, let's do this!" or they genuinely just want to show their naked body to the world- or rather, some pervy men who are dissatisfied with the real women in their life. 
I personally feel sympathy towards these women. By no means is there anything wrong with a career in modelling- if you've got it, flaunt it! However, I feel sympathetic towards the women who feel as though they have to flaunt absolutely everything. Of course there is nothing wrong with being comfortable in your own skin, and there is nothing shameful about the female body whatsoever. However, I can not help but feel that a completely naked body should be reserved only for your intimate partner- not for the eyes of men all over the country, sometimes even wider than that. A woman should at least be wearing a bikini that covers her in a satisfactory way. Yes, it is great to be so body confident- but there are other ways in which you can demonstrate this confidence. However, in my opinion, a woman who feels she has to show off her entire naked body to a mass group of strangers has some confidence issues, and is desperate for reassurance- whether they ever admit to that or not. 

Furthermore, what sort of example does it set to a child if they were to come across naked images of their role model- their mother? We have all seen the sort of example Katie Price, a former pin up girl for The Sun, has set for her children. Her behavior isn't always that to be admired. 

This is not to say that all pin up girls are bad parents or bad people- but I do fail to see how showing your naked body to the world creates a good example for children. 

Page 3 pin ups just continue to lead males to believe that the sexualisation of females and the naked body is okay. It allows men to perceive women as nothing other than sexual objects. We don't have posters of female doctors in their surgeries, celebrating their achievements. We don't have posters of female lawyers or politicians, talking about their accomplishments. Instead, we choose to have posters of naked women, showing off all they have, forgetting that women are more than their bodies. 

All the page 3 girls look the same too. Big boobs, big bums, the right curves in the right places and tiny waists and tummies. For men, this sets unrealistic expectations of what to expect of "normal" women. For women who see these other women, who are often photoshopped, it sets unrealistic body ambitions- which can become dangerous. Just take a look at some of the first pin up girls- Betty Grable for one. She was one of the earliest, most popular pin up girls. 

In the image above, we can see just how different pin up models and photos are today. Betty was not tiny with the 'perfect barbie' figure that is seen as so desirable by women today. She has thick thighs, a nice peachy bum, and her boobs are not ginormous. Looking at her face, there's no provocative pout, no lusty lip biting, just a plain, gorgeous smile. Lastly- and most importantly- she is wearing clothes. There was no need for her to flaunt her naked body because she knew she was gorgeous as she was. On top of this, whilst men didn't treat women equally, it was more of a popular opinion to be disgusted by a woman who flaunted her body for all to see than it is nowadays. 

What has changed? Feminism has been taking dramatic steps forwards, and women are gaining more and more equality every day, but there are still some aspects in society that seem to be going backwards. Yes, women have better pay and better job opportunities than they used to- but they are still viewed as nothing more than a body by the vast majority of the male population. 

However, things could be starting to turn themselves around. "Media Baron" Rupert Murdoch has hinted that he would like to drop the topless page three pin ups from The Sun. Earlier today, he tweeted "Page 3 again. Aren't beautiful young women more attractive in at least some fashionable clothes? Your opinions please". 

The fact that someone in such a high position in the media has noticed that this is becoming "old fashioned" is a positive move in the right direction. However, The Sun has spoken out and said that they will continue to listen to the reader's feedback and will continue to make the newspaper the way the reader's want it- and let's be honest. What male is going to say they want the page 3 girls dropped? I hope that Mr Murdoch will stick to his own feelings towards the pin up girls, and with him having such a large say in The Sun, I hope that he will influence the newspapers audience, and that this page will finally be dropped. 

Women, please remember this: page 3 pin ups go against everything women have been fighting for. They have been fighting for an image for themselves other than body image- they have been fighting to be recognized for academic achievements, for intelligence, for skills. Participating in nude modelling goes against all of this. And men, please remember this. Whilst you may enjoy the naked body displayed over a page for your eyes, imagine what you would think if that naked woman was your wife, your sister, your daughter- how would you feel then? I'm sure you would feel quite differently. 

If women continue to portray themselves as nothing more than a body, men will continue to look at them as nothing more than a body. The hard work of feminism would become reversed. Women, be more than your body. Men, see the beauty of a females face and her mind. 

Love from, 
Florence Grace


  1. "Women, be more than your body. Men, see the beauty of a females face and her mind."

    So true!


  2. So well put. Excellent post.


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