Blogging Secret Santa!

So, as December draws nearer, some of you may or may not know that I am participating in a Secret Santa within the blogging community! I am very excited about this, especially as I am still relatively new to blogging! Anyway, the first step is to write an introductory post for my Secret Santa- who could be from absolutely anywhere! So, here goes...

My name is Flo, and I am a student, currently studying Creative Business. In my free time, I blog, host a radio show once a week, work part time and spend the rest of my time with my boyfriend, Alex. I've only been blogging for- well, just under four months! Although I am still fairly new to this, I have had a lot of opportunities thrown at me, such as events with Channel 4 and the BBC, becoming a blogger for a bigger company etc. etc. I really enjoy working within the media and it is what I aim to do when I am older.

So, what about me? I love social media, especially Instagram, and I guess this has stemmed from my love of photography- I am never without some form of camera, be it my phone, polaroid of DSLR camera! I'm pretty creative and imaginative and love doing arts and crafts things, especially as gifts for people. I'm fairly passionate about music which is just one of the reasons I love being a radio presenter so much! Food is always high on my list, as well as my two real loves- jewellery and nail varnish- especially Barry M!

Hi, Secret Santa...this is me! 

I hope that is enough information for you, Secret Santa!! If not, please feel free to use the social media links in my blog to have a little hunt about things I may have forgotten to mention, or just to get a better grasp of the person I am!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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