Dapper Laughs- or Dapper the Arse?

"Just show her your penis. If she cries, she's just playing hard to get"

Shocked? How about this:

"Girls have periods. I call that 'blow job week'. What you need to do is get four girlfriends- then it's four weeks of blowies".

I'm sure your jaw has dropped- where have these horrific statements come from? Let me tell you. They have come from "comedian", "TV personality" and "model", Dapper Laughs.

Dapper Laughs is an alter ego for Clapham man Daniel O'Reilly. Finding fame in his six second Vines, Dapper Laughs has gone on to produce a novelty song that rose to number 15 in the UK charts, host his own stand-up tours and now has his own TV show- thanks to ITV2.

Dapper's TV show will be listed as a 'dating' show where he will tell 'lads' how to get some 'pussy' and some 'gash' in the style of harmless banter between friends, as he tries to educate males who lack Dapper's irresistible charm and large penis. Apparently. The show is intended to be fun and light hearted but anyone in their right mind, boy or girl, should be able to see that Dapper and his show are nothing but completely misogynistic and anti-feminist. The catchphrase of the show is "Dating is out. Pulling is in", a catchphrase that encourages people not to go looking for relationships or love but just to be in and out with a bang- if you get me. A more appropriate term might be teaching lads to "use and abuse". Just a thought.

The sort of behavior Dapper participates in is a type that should not be condoned, ever, least of all publicised. Whilst the majority of the world are trying to move forwards in terms of equality of the sexes, Dapper Laugh's is encouraging young males everywhere to drag it all back, ruining whatever progress is made.

He is the extreme epitome of the apparently fast growing 'lad culture' that exists currently in the UK. He encourages childish, damn right disgusting behavior towards females that could be quite easily confused with sexual harassment- you only have to watch him screaming "Hey darling, can I smell your fanny?" after an innocent female pedestrian to understand what I mean.

But hey, according to ITV2, this sort of behavior is acceptable- and should even be encouraged, by airing it live on TV for thousands of viewers to see. Why is it acceptable? Because "All humor is subjective" and "his unique brand of banter and brash charm is neither sexist nor degrading to women". Because seeing women as nothing but walking sex toys isn't degrading to us females at all, thank you for clearing that up ITV2. In fact, Dapper doesn't even care about his female sex toys being able to walk, as he sings "If she's looking at me and playing with her hair, by the end of the night she'll need a wheel chair". But no, that's just banter everyone!! Not degrading at all!

So, to the people who condoned Dapper's behavior and thought it a 'fun' idea to make it into a TV show, let me ask you this: how would you feel if Dapper treated your mother in this way? Your sister, your aunt, your girlfriend, your daughter? If he shouted what is actually not a bit of banter, but actually something quite sexually harassing towards your young, female child, would you laugh it off the way you laugh off Dapper's behavior? I am damn certain you wouldn't. I am pretty sure you would be disgusted at his vile behavior- the way us females, and even some males are.

Perhaps one of the scariest things about Dapper's rise to fame is not his disgusting behavior, but rather how quickly he has influenced so many other young males. I myself have already tweeted Dapper Laugh's with my own complaints regarding his behavior. Whilst he remained polite to me, it was his fans who started tweeting me about being 'uptight' and how I was 'moist for him' and should 'go back to sowing' (yes, a male did tell me to do a domestic chore in an attempt to be funny and sexist and then spelled it wrong). It is incredible for one person to have so much influence over so many people- so surely Dapper should use this influence in a more positive way?

It is because of his negative impact on today's society, and because of ITV2 condoning his behavior whilst brushing off people's concerns that I implore you to do at least one of the following:

You can sign up to the petition to get him off TV here

You can like this facebook page and share it to help raise awareness of the issue

You can write to Ofcom, the TV regulator's here

And you can find his Twitter here and tweet him your views

If you don't feel you have a reason to do any of the above, think again. If you're a girl, understand how important this is for you and your current position in society. If you're a boy, think about all the girls you know and care about- how would you feel if they were harassed by Dapper, or someone who tried to emulate his behavior? Please, use your brains. Understand just how wrong his behavior is. Bring an end to Dapper Laugh's and his appalling ways.

Love from,
Florence Grace


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