Back to school!

This isn't going to be a very long post at's just the opportunity for me to put a collective group of links together!

This time last year, I did quite a few posts all about different back to school aspects. People begin going back to school next week! (Where the hell did "summer" go?!) so I thought I would take this opportunity to share with you those links to help you out!

Are you starting year 12, or going back to sixth form to start year 13? I've been there, and can help you out with some top tips to help you through the next academic year! You can read them here

If you're heading back to sixth form/starting sixth form, chances are you're getting spoken to a lot about your future and what you plan to do with yourself! The biggest option school's will push at you is university and you'll be introduced to the dreaded UCAS process! It can be a very stressful, confusing time, and there are a load of different options when it comes to the "future" part beyond sixth form. You can read my personal pros and cons regarding uni here

If you've already decided that university isn't the way you're going to go, then I've written a post all about the different options you have and how you can go about getting yourself into them, such as internships! You can read that here

In  a more lighthearted light, here is a funnier post on 10 people that you're likely to meet in September, be it at Freshers week, the start of a new college or a new job! You can find out who they are here

And finally, if you're at an all girl's secondary school/sixth form/college then maybe you'll relate to my own personal experience, which you can read all about here

What are you doing this September? For the first time, I won't be "going back" anywhere! I am starting my distance learning though, so I'm looking forward to doing that! Let me know what you'll be up to in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. ah this is so great! Whilst a lot of the topics covered aren't relevant to me personally, I do enjoy reading back to school/uni things quite useful in helping motivate me get back into the mood of things so thanks for putting everything in one place to easily access!
    Hannah x

    1. Ah thanks lovely lady! Glad you enjoyed it even so! xxx


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