Bratz Doll Review*

When I was really, really young, I played with Barbie and Cindy dolls. I think most girls did. As I got older, a two types of new doll's came on the scene- cooler, more grown up, stylish dolls. These were Bratz and MyScene's. I adored both of them, and had a massive collection of dolls and clothes, accessories and cars, CD's and DVD's, and getting rid of them all when I became a "grown up" was quite a sad affair. After a while, the dolls stopped appearing in shops and Argos catalogues altogether and that seemed to be the sad end. 

So you can only imagine how I felt when I discovered that Bratz dolls were relaunching, completely restyled and totally different! I discovered their Bratz app (which you should all download!) and their YouTube videos and checked out their Twitter account, and after some communication, they kindly offered to send me a doll to review! Of course I said yes, and I was thrilled when it turned up because it looked like this...

Pink hair? Check. Tonnes of accessories? Check. Addicted to her phone? Check. This doll was me!!! I totally envied her hair, it's such a gorgeous baby pink colour and looks so pretty. Rumour has it these dolls are based on bloggers, which is also pretty cool.

The packaging of the dolls has become a lot more exciting, with a funky shaped box and metallic, shiny colours that really pop! The box is also decorated with emoji's and hashtags, keeping the dolls current in today's society! 

The back of the box is covered in polaroid "selfies" of the doll, again making the dolls very current with today's society! There's also "quotes" from Cloe so that a child can really bring her to life in their mind and get to know her personality, which is very cute.

There was a tonne of accessories available with the doll, all colour coordinated and stylish. My favourite is definitely the pink iPhone with it's different cases that you can actually swap over like in real life! That is definitely a lot cooler than the flip phones that the doll's used to come with!

Of course, as soon as I got my doll out of her packaging (which took forever! I forgot how well tied in to the boxes toys are!) I began accessorising her right away! One development from the old doll's is that the new one's have jointed knees, so I could sit her down and make her pose far better than the old dolls, who had no joints.

Check out her cute phone!

So yes, I enjoyed being a big kid and reliving my child hood! These dolls are so gorgeous and far better than the originals- I am a little envious of the children who get to sit around and play with them all day long. I definitely want to add more to my collection! 

If you want to find out more about the Bratz relaunch, head over to their Twitter page here. They run competitions every single day so there's lots of fun to get involved with! You can also watch their webisodes here. Finally, make sure to check out their new, flashy, colourful website at

I hope you've enjoyed this little review, and thank you again to Bratz for kindly sending me this doll to review- I love her! 

Do you have any Bratz dolls? Is there any you want? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace

All images used are my own.


  1. OMG remember My Scene hahaha!!! She looks so cool, loving the pink hair hah! Amazing that they are apparently based on Bloggers! Team Internet taking over x

    Abi | abistreetx

    1. No one at my school ever had them/knew them but I'm glad I'm not the only one who had them!! I know, amazing right! x


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