Zumba baby!

As always, my first New Year's Resolution for 2017 was to lose weight/get fit. I always find it quite hard to talk about my personal relationship with my body and weight because I'm such a strong advocate of body positivity and I feel that by talking about dieting I'm going against everything I believe in. I think everyone should embrace the body they're in, as long as they're happy and healthy. Whilst I am definitely a lot happier and healthier than I used to be, I'm still not fully happy and healthy, and that's why I'm trying to lose weight. However, it's not just about the weight for me; I want to get fitter too! Just because it would be nice to walk up the stairs without getting out of breath, you know?


Whenever I lose weight, I change my eating habits accordingly and eat a lot more 'good' food and a lot less 'bad' food (although I do still indulge in treats like pizza and crisps every now and again!) but the one thing I don't do is exercise. It's not because I don't want to, it's because I can't. I physically can't do exercise if I don't enjoy it, and I have never found an exercise I love (aside from Judo which I gave up a long, long time ago!). I have tried running, swimming, different work out DVD's- nothing works for me! And when I force myself to do exercise that I'm not enjoying, I'm not motivated and I gradually stop doing it and then the weight loss comes to a halt and then I get in a slump and get stuck in this horrible cycle.

So, when my best pal Abby suggested I join her at a Zumba class she just started, I jumped at the chance to go. I had heard nothing but good things about Zumba before and so I was willing to give it a go. I had never done any kind of group exercise class before because I've never really been confident enough to go to one, but I knew that being with my best friend would make the whole experience better!

The first session was free, the hall it was held in is just five minutes from my house and it wasn't too busy- there were about 25 people, all women and all so diverse. There were big women, small women, curvy women, tall women, small women, young women, old women, Asian women, black women, white women, Chinese women, Indian women... so many different kinds of women! Some of them were clearly regulars and had the moves to every single routine memorised, others were beginners. It was evident that everyone was there for a different reason; some for fun, some for fitness. I just loved it.

Post Zumba selfies!

The vibe of the workout was just nothing but fun and I absolutely loved it! There was no judgement, no competition, no uncomfortableness. I felt relaxed, me and Abby had a giggle and it was a proper workout that left me tired out yet energized and full of endorphins afterwards. I felt healthy, I was in a good mood- it was a feeling I'd never experienced after exercising before and I literally felt euphoric that finally I had found a workout that was right for me!

The classes are handy because they're pay as you go, Abby does them and there's three a week so I know I'm definitely going to be doing at least one a week- I'd like to do two though! I'm going to try and get to a 9am class on Sunday which anyone who knows me well will be stunned about... On top of this I'm still going to be trying to do my 10,000 steps a day and I'm going to be drinking a lot more water too. So far I've accomplished this every day this week which is amazing!

And more post Zumba selfies!

New year, new me, right?

I'm so happy Abby encouraged me to try Zumba and I really hope this is a positive step forward in my journey to becoming fitter, happier and healthier!

Have you tried Zumba? What exercises do you love to do? Have a chat with me in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. Hey flo! Me and my friend always do this tae bo workout at home and it's so funny, if you like Zumba you might enjoy it! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rFCLT_Pl-yE (There's loads of different ones!) x

    1. Hey Mel! Omg I actually have one of his DVD's, he cracks me up SO much...I didn't realise there was so many videos on YouTube from him though, just having a browse now! Thanks for the suggestion x

  2. I love Zumba! :) But it's been a long time since I did Zumba! :( It's so much fun so I'd love to get back into it this year. :D


    1. You definitely should try to get back into it, I think it is one of the most fun ways to get fit!


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