January Reflections!
I had an unexpected evening free today and I also realised that it's the final day of January- the first month of 2017 is over already! How mad is that?! Anyway, I thought I'd like to do a reflections post on how my month has been so far, and I think this is something I'd like to try and do at the end of every month. It will be nice to look back on at the end of the year, don't you think?
Looking back on it, January was actually a pretty great month for me! I've actually done so much and achieved so much (some of these I still can't talk about eeeek).
First of all is my weight loss achievement. I think I am the slimmest, fittest and healthiest I have been since I was 14 which is really saying something and I'm really, really happy about that! I have been eating really well and I started Zumba which is so much fun. I also moved house, and it's quite a bit further away from my place of work which means I'm managing to get in a lot of extra steps a day which is fab too! Roll on having my dream bod (finally!).
Looking back on it, January was actually a pretty great month for me! I've actually done so much and achieved so much (some of these I still can't talk about eeeek).
First of all is my weight loss achievement. I think I am the slimmest, fittest and healthiest I have been since I was 14 which is really saying something and I'm really, really happy about that! I have been eating really well and I started Zumba which is so much fun. I also moved house, and it's quite a bit further away from my place of work which means I'm managing to get in a lot of extra steps a day which is fab too! Roll on having my dream bod (finally!).

So that leads me to the next point- I moved house! I finally have my own room which is great, the whole house is incredibly nice and in a lovely area too, so I'm very happy about that!
I started working with one of my favourite brands in the whole world, Elegant Touch! They now send me packages filled with nails/nail accessories on the regular and I actually have enough fake nails to keep me going until about May now! This is a huge achievement for me and I am honestly over the moon to be working with them! (Posting all my fancy nails on Insta has really paid off!)

And speaking of Insta, I've upped my Insta game massively! I now have over 1,700 followers and I started the year at 1,600 ish so I feel that I've really improved on my engagement. I also joined a comment pod group, started using hashtags and am paying more attention to the quality of the images I upload, as well as asking questions in the captions as a form of microblogging to try and get followers to engage with me. So far, it seems to be working, so I'm pleased!

My mum purchased us tickets to see Loyle Carner, a new favourite artist of ours, as well as to see Maximo Park (I am paying her for them I just haven't done so yet...) which means I have a couple more gigs to look forward to this year, yay!
I've been out almost every single Friday and Saturday of the month which has rinsed my account but given me some incredible (and hilarious) memories!

I've made some serious moves with Love from... and can promise you that the next issue is amazing! It's the GIRL POWER issue and is jam packed to the brim with so many fab features and interviews! I can't even tell you who has been included but I could just SCREAM. I can't wait until you all find out.
I passed my next journalism assignment and am well on my way to becoming an officially qualified Magazine Journalist; this is a qualification I can't wait to have under my belt!
I also had a lovely games night that went on until 5am with the gang, where we swapped Christmas gifts, as well as my belated 21st gifts and I was truly overwhelmed because I was spoilt rotten with such thoughtful gifts. It was so nice to be reunited with them all for the first time since my birthday party in November too!

Finally, I did a lot of adulting this month! I went to the doctors to sort out my eczema and picked up and paid for my first medical prescription without my mum (lol). I booked my extremely overdue opticians appointment, went to it, picked out and purchased new glasses for myself without any adult help whatsoever (which was actually very scary as I have no idea if the glasses suit me and I overspent massively without an adult to control me and my money hahaha) and I also paid my first ever tax payment for being self employed. Because yes, to all the haters, my blog/magazine/writing is a real job that I make real money from.
So yes, January has been a very good month for me, and I've been so busy it's no wonder that it's flown by! I've got three gigs next month including Drake, my magazines are being sent off to print and I'm excited to see how much further I get with my weight loss! How has your year started out? What plans have you got for next month? Share your highlight of the month with me in the comments below!
Love from,
Florence Grace
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