Love from... turns 2!

It's the 1st of June today, which means that two years ago today, I officially launched my business- my magazine, Love from... magazine.

I can not believe that it's been two years! Two whole years since I held that first published copy of Issue 1 in my hands and thought, this is it. This is what I want to do. Of course, in my head I had my doubts- who doesn't when they're setting up their own business? And so it seems like a huge deal to have reached this two year milestone. 

I can't lie and tell you that it's been a smooth, easy journey. It hasn't. I've been so busy trying to grow and evolve the magazine that I've had to pour in more money than I was often making, I've altered the price up and down, the page numbers, the layout, I've taken on writers, lost some then taken on more, I've lost endless hours of sleep pouring over page layouts and I've stressed over printing faults and late delivery...

...yet here I am. Two years later, seven issues down the line, an interview with Radio 1 DJ Gemma Cairney under my belt and still girl bossing my way into the media industry with my very own publication. 

All too often people have asked me what the point of my magazine is. Why don't I just give up? Quit? Move on to something more 'successful'? 

I'm not a quitter. 

I'm also not in it for the 'success'. I'm not saying it wouldn't be absolutely fucking fantastic if one day we were the new Cosmo (especially when Cosmo is so shit), but honestly I do this for the absolute love of it. Nope, I don't make a profit, or any kind of living from running this magazine. I couldn't sack off my jobs to do this full time. But do you know what I do get instead? 

I get to do something I absolutely love and share it with other people who all absolutely love it too. Creating a magazine almost singled handedly and distributing it to people, only to hear how much they love it is such a rewarding feeling. 

I also get to help people who want to work in the media industry and need to gain experience. It's a tough industry, it's hard to gain work experience at magazines, and so we rarely turn away anyone! We have taken on professional writers, newbie writers, people writing to boost their career and people writing for nothing other than personal enjoyment. Some of our writers have developed so much since starting with us and it makes me so proud to see. People do use me/the magazine on their CV and as a reference, and if I can help people get to where they want to be, then that's enough to satisfy me. I want to help people, I want to create opportunities for people and I want to create the nice little community that I have of content creators and creative individuals- that feels really special. 

"I'm not saying it wouldn't be absolutely fucking fantastic if one day we were the new Cosmo... but honestly I do this for the absolute love of it"

Finally, I just really enjoy doing it. From writing to editing, creating graphics and doing page layouts to interviews and holding the final product in my hand, I have so much fun doing this. And you know what they say about life; if you don't love what you're doing, you're wasting your time. 

Over the last two years I have had the most fun running this magazine- and it's all been a brilliant learning curve too. Of course, I couldn't have done it without a multitude of people. The magazine runs entirely on your undying support, be that through promoting the mag off of your own back, writing for me, reading our articles, following us online or, better still, buying a copy of the mag- everything you do helps me. I can't even begin to express how bloody grateful I am. 

I'd like to take up a small portion of this post to thank as many people as I can, in no particular order whatsoever...

Justine M, Jade M, Bobbie G, Poppy W, Abby B, Jemma (Dorkface), Fiona, Lydia D, Tara C, Lauren (Blonde Vision), Eve-Yasmine, Sonia, Jessica Debrah, Patricia Odje, Tarantula Soph, Kate C, Josh W, Abigail T, Bea Cross, Gemma Cairney, Kat Gaskin, Iris Zhou, Comeback Magazine, Nicole W, Chichi O, Tash E, Genevieve M, Nathan M, Ffion D, Nada Satte, Hout Kov, David Bailey, Ruby Mae Moore, Vanessa Sanyauke, Remel London, Nissy Tee, Jodie McCallum, Maya Jama, Georgina Grogan, Ashley James, Fran M, Francesca R, Siobhan B, Table 21, Jamie Farr, James N, Alec C, Lucy, Louise R, Kate M, Annie Lewis, Rin, Lauren K, Charlotte D, Claire, Young Britannia, Fairytale Gourmet, Prairie Charms, Amara, Shamie C, Fay, Ciara L, Adele S, Blink FM, Go Think Big, Poppy (with my name), Karen, Charlene M, Sarah (my ray of sunshine), Zoe T, Helen M, Emma C, Annelise P, Alix B, Lucy H, Rebeckah M, Chloe M, Chelsea M, Tarnya R, Tiffany M, Blushes, Birthday Card, Clo, Dad and Mum...

I think that's everyone- all my writers, advertisers and inspirations! I would love to list all of my buyers and online readers too, but then we'd really be here all day long! Just know that I truly am so thankful for your support and all that you do to help keep Love from... running! Who would have thought all of this, my mini empire, could stem from a small patch of internet- my blog? Not me, that's for sure!

I honestly don't know where the last two years have gone but I am thoroughly looking forward to the next year of Love from...- and all of the years after that! 

Thank you, thank you, thank you one million times. I adore you all. Here's to the future of Love from... magazine; HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY

Love from, 
Florence Grace 

We're looking for writers, online contributors, selling digital copies of the latest issue and have the next issue available for pre-order! Check it all out here


  1. Well done for persevering and organising such a good magazine!
    Any clues on what we can expect in the next issue? Is it similar to the articles on the website? xx

    The Frugal Teen |

    1. Thank you so much- everything is just going to get bigger and better from here on in! xxx


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