Anyone who knows me well enough will know that I am allllll about that girl power. I would consider myself to be a strong, independent woman and I constantly encourage the other women in my life to be, too. Being strong, being independent, being bold and fighting for your place in a world that is dominated by male privilege and misogyny can be very challenging, but it's a lot easier when there are some fantastic female role models to look up to. Here are some of my favourite women to look to for girl power, inspiration and motivation in every aspect of my life.

Maya Jama

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I have been looking up to Maya Jama since I first met her when I was working on a TV show for 4Music two years ago. She was bubbly, friendly and even invited herself to sit on my lap at one point! Since then I have been looking up to her on social media, following her as she grows from strength to strength in terms of her career. Some of the moves she's made in 2017 have been absolutely incredible, from landing herself a prime time TV slot, getting involved in her own podcast, working on 1Xtra, hosting the upcoming MOBO Awards, giving a TED Talk and so much more. The best part is, throughout it all she has remained humble and down to earth, all of the time. Her career is basically my dream career, and if you need some get up and go inspo then you should definitely check her out- it's impossible not to be inspired by all that she is doing!


Anne-Marie features on my blog all of the time- I honestly love her so much. She isn't just an amazing singer but she speaks up about mental health, body positivity and is a huge fashion icon too. Her style is so cool, she isn't scared to stand out from the crowd, she isn't afraid to post photos without makeup on or where she might not be perceived as looking "perfect". She's honest, she's straight talking and her attitude towards loving yourself (something I'm big on!) is admirable. If you need a celebrity- someone who is pressured to be consistently 'perfect'- to encourage you to love yourself, look no further than Anne-Marie. And check out her music while you're at it, because it's just great. I love her, okay?

Megan Crabbe (AKA BodyPosiPanda)

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Sometimes loving yourself is just so damn hard. Thankfully, Megan is here to make that a little bit easier. I originally found Megan on Instagram shaking her booty in nothing but her underwear. She wasn't a size 6, she had 'wobbly' bits (don't we all!), she wasn't wearing sexy underwear. She was just being herself, natural and comfortable and she looked amazing doing so, with a huge smile on her face. She's since gone on to release a book all about body positivity and her self-love journey, appeared on TV and chat shows and, more recently, launched her own YouTube channel. Her first video about reclaiming the word 'fat' is really worth watching. Her Instagram is full of honest photos, with her showing her tummy before and after eating, showing photos from a professional photo shoot and then recreating them at home and more, all to encourage girls (and boys!) to love and appreciate themselves just the way they are. Happiness is key and this is really what Megan promotes.

Grace Victory

Similar to Megan, Grace is a huge advocate of body positivity and mental health issues. Having battled with her own issues, including eating disorders, Grace has a brutally honest blog and YouTube channel that I have been following for a while now. She discusses all the typical things you'd find of a fashion blogger, but for fat people and it is brilliant. Her style is out of this world, she always looks great and she oozes confidence. If it's fashion inspo you're after, or a confidence boost, look to Grace because she can definitely assist! This year saw the release of her first book, No Filter, and that title really does sum Grace and her career up. She's open and blunt, she'll speak out on her large platform about issues others might choose to shy away from, and that really is admirable.

Vix Meldrew

Vix is one of my fave bloggers ever, and one of the first bloggers I ever followed too! Watching her blog- and, ultimately, her career- grow from strength to strength over the last couple of years has been so lovely and I honestly feel so happy every time I see her achieve something else. She's made me feel better about sex (and lack of it), about my body, about my mind, about the way I perceive myself and how I feel about dating and relationships. Her blog posts make me laugh, her blog posts make me cry and honestly, I think if you take a few minutes of your day to read her posts, you'll fall in love with her work too! She's had an amazing year being on TV, branching out into stand up comedy and working on her book and I can't wait to see what she does next- her work ethic is so inspiring. 

These are just a teeny tiny handful of some of the lovely ladies that I look to for some major girl power inspo at the moment- which gals are you loving? Let me know in the comments below! 

Love from,

Florence Grace


  1. Not being biased because I'm interning at Cosmo but Farrah Storr- the Editor is SO inspiring! Her no-bullshit attitude and strong work ethic is incredible and listening her talk about her career last night really gave me a massive motivation boost!

    Claudia xx

  2. Oooh I shall have to look her up and have a nose! Is her talk on YouTube or anything do you know? xx


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