Why I Won't Stop Oversharing

There's no denying that I'm a massive oversharer. Social media is my vice, I share everything online and have pretty much no boundaries when it comes to how much of my life I make available to the big wide world. 

In the past, this is something I have been criticised for - in fact, I was bullied over it at one point. People didn't like that I put dates and locations under my photos on Facebook, they didn't like the 'cringe' posts I put up on Instagram, they didn't like some of the brutally honest content I shared on my blog.

I say "in the past" but it doesn't stay in the past - sometimes, it still happens now. 

Obviously when I was younger, I really let the criticism and the nastiness get to me. I wanted to alter my social media feeds to be exactly like everyone else's so that I could avoid the 'hate'. I became a clone, I didn't post everything I wanted to and I made sure my feeds were curated to perfection. 

To be honest, it just wasn't me. Thankfully, once I left school at 17 and went on to college, I underwent some kind of transformation where I became more secure in my own skin, more confident, happier in myself - and so I began to share everything that I had wanted to share all along. I enjoy being an oversharer, and a lot of people don't understand this, or even agree with it! I'm not asking anyone to agree with what I do with my life, obviously, but I thought I'd take some time to explain to you why I'm happy to be an oversharer, and why I won't stop oversharing! Maybe then you might understand why I do what I do...

I've always been a 'keeper'
I have always been overly sentimental, a fan of trying to cling on to all the physical parts of special memories - from the obvious, like train tickets, wrist bands, passes, leaflets and photographs, to the not so obvious, like food wrappers, receipts and chip forks (yes, really!). I used to decorate the walls from top to bottom when I had my own bedroom, making them like a ginormous collage. I've always kept scrapbooks of memories, photo albums and keep sake boxes. I'm a 'keeper'. 

For me, sites like Instagram are a digital version of that. Whilst I still love doing it all physically (and still do!), knowing I have an online version is great should the real life stuff get damaged or lost. Online, it's there forever - the longest lasting keepsakes of all time! 

I see social media like an online diary
Growing up, I always kept a diary. I rely heavily on my planners and organisers now but don't keep a diary in the same way that I used to. For me, social media acts like an online diary. I can go back to a specific date over the last 10 years or so and find the memory/moment I'm after in just minutes. And, similar to above, my 'diary entries' in the form of social media posts, are curated online forever and ever. 

Better still, when I'm older, and want to show my life to my family and friends, kids or grandkids, I'll be able too! And maybe when my memory is a little fuzzy, I'll be able to look back and see it all. I have been documenting my life online since I was 13 years old - to think I could get to 60 and quite literally look back on myself growing up, is amazing to me, and a super cool idea!

I enjoy creating content
Not only is it my job, but creating content is something I am genuinely passionate about. I almost studied photography at university, before deciding not to go, because I absolutely love taking and editing photos - hence why Instagram is my favourite social media platform! 

I'm an oversharer so that I can fulfill my content creation desires - I want to post all the time, across all platforms, because I enjoy it! If I don't have anything to post, I find or make something to post! The engagement with people I follow is the same as sparking a conversation in real life with friends and it makes me feel happy when I see people enjoying the content I've created, be that a blog post, a magazine article or a photograph!  

I'm a communicator
I love to talk. I always have done, always will do. It's never phased me to be the centre of attention, it's never phased me to have all eyes on me, to perform for an audience. I've been a dancer, a singer, a musician and now, finally, a presenter. Whether it's via my blog, my magazine, another magazine, radio, video, photograph captions or something else, I just love sparking conversations with people, creating content that allows people to debate about their own ideas, inspire people to chase their dreams and so on. I love to communicate with people!

I love to talk about myself
This one is one that will probably make you say lol and call me narcissistic or big headed or whatever else, but it's totally true that, when given the opportunity to talk about myself, I won't stop. Reason being, I've overcome so many hardships in life to get to the very fortunate position that I'm in today, that I love to share this positive message with as many people as I can! 

It works too. Almost every day I have girls and boys of all ages and backgrounds messaging me to say I've helped them by being so open about my own life, I've inspired them to follow their dreams or motivated them to improve their health... etc. etc. 

Growing up, and going through all the things that I did, I felt I had no one to talk to. There was no one to help me, no one sharing stories like mine online... I was lost and alone, and that made it a struggle. I hope that by being so open about my life, I can help countless others - but even if I only help one person, I'll be happy! I use my platforms, and the things that happen in my life, to inspire, empower and motivate other people. All of that is only made possible by being an over sharer - and so I will probably never stop!

Love from,

Florence Grace


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