Love from, Florence Grace - The Rebrand!
I have been running Love from, Florence Grace for four years at the end of July. Four whole years! In that time, my blog - and ultimately, my career - has really evolved. I'm no longer just a blogger with big dreams. I'm a content creator living her dreams. Love from, Florence Grace is so much more than a blog now, with 'Love from...' becoming more of a brand. It encapsulates not only my blog, but my magazine (Love from... magazine) and also the name of my freelance content creation services. Everything I do comes under the title "Love from...". My starting point, my birth place.
The Rebrand
Because I've been doing this for so long, my branding has kind of been... well. Non existent, and all over the place at best. I've never been able to slot myself into any kind of niche, like a fashion or beauty blogger, because I cover such random things. I like to class it as "real life", but it just doesn't seem to fit. I blog about anything and everything, from dealing with heartbreak to signs of an abusive partner, from embracing your body to ways to get fit whilst avoiding diet culture, from things you learn whilst working in retail to how to land yourself your dream job. After analysing my blog for a while, it seemed clear to me that my content landed in four main sub sections; self love, body positivity, relationships and careers.
I already cover self love and body positivity hugely across Instagram when I'm microblogging, and I pay a lot of attention to relationships and careers in Love from... magazine, so for my blog, why not focus on all four of those areas to tie it all together across my various platforms and create some consistency?
My brand is a piece of me - I want people to see work, branded as Love from... and know that it's mine. It's got to be recognisable and it has to carry my own traits; sassy, bold and relatable.
So that's what I'll be doing. No more accepting irrelevant sponsored opportunities just for the money, no more posts trying to fit into a niche that I'll never be apart of! I'm switching my content up and changing it to really bring the Love from... brand together. The logo's are already sorted, and have been for a while, my colour scheme will be as it is for the magazine - predominantly pink and white - and my tone of voice will remain as sassy and outgoing as ever. The brand will scream Flo-ness and will hopefully be recognisable across all social media platforms and beyond.
The Content
In addition to rebranding and switching my content up, I also want to create more regular content on my blog. I seem to be blogging less and less nowadays, which makes me sad as I really do love it and it's helped me to get to where I am today - I honestly wouldn't have achieved any of my successes if it wasn't for my blog, so I really am grateful to it and don't want to neglect it! At one point I blogged every single day for a year, even whilst I was on holiday, on my birthday and on Christmas Day too! I don't want to go to that extreme again but I do want to up my game a lot.
I'm going to try my very best to post at least once a week now - even better if I can get two up a week! I already post on my other social media platforms every single day, and try to microblog on Instagram everyday, so I really want to create a similar level of consistency on the blog too. Maybe things I microblog about, I can blog about in more depth here - who knows?
I often lack inspiration when I throw my all into my magazine content, but I'm going to try and keep it exciting, interesting and open as I always have done.
Let's get going!
So I guess I'd better get started! I'm really excited about taking my blog, and my brand, to the next stage and can't wait to see what new opportunities this presents to me. After four amazing years, I never think it can get better, but it always does (which is nice) - so hopefully this lucky streak will continue!
I hope you're as excited about this rebrand as I am - and please, if there's anything you want to see from me, be that a certain blog post or a whole new venture for the Love from... brand, please don't hesitate to let me know!! My content is for me of course, but ultimately, it's for you!
So let's get going!
Love from,
Florence Grace

The Rebrand
Because I've been doing this for so long, my branding has kind of been... well. Non existent, and all over the place at best. I've never been able to slot myself into any kind of niche, like a fashion or beauty blogger, because I cover such random things. I like to class it as "real life", but it just doesn't seem to fit. I blog about anything and everything, from dealing with heartbreak to signs of an abusive partner, from embracing your body to ways to get fit whilst avoiding diet culture, from things you learn whilst working in retail to how to land yourself your dream job. After analysing my blog for a while, it seemed clear to me that my content landed in four main sub sections; self love, body positivity, relationships and careers.
I already cover self love and body positivity hugely across Instagram when I'm microblogging, and I pay a lot of attention to relationships and careers in Love from... magazine, so for my blog, why not focus on all four of those areas to tie it all together across my various platforms and create some consistency?
My brand is a piece of me - I want people to see work, branded as Love from... and know that it's mine. It's got to be recognisable and it has to carry my own traits; sassy, bold and relatable.
So that's what I'll be doing. No more accepting irrelevant sponsored opportunities just for the money, no more posts trying to fit into a niche that I'll never be apart of! I'm switching my content up and changing it to really bring the Love from... brand together. The logo's are already sorted, and have been for a while, my colour scheme will be as it is for the magazine - predominantly pink and white - and my tone of voice will remain as sassy and outgoing as ever. The brand will scream Flo-ness and will hopefully be recognisable across all social media platforms and beyond.
The Content
In addition to rebranding and switching my content up, I also want to create more regular content on my blog. I seem to be blogging less and less nowadays, which makes me sad as I really do love it and it's helped me to get to where I am today - I honestly wouldn't have achieved any of my successes if it wasn't for my blog, so I really am grateful to it and don't want to neglect it! At one point I blogged every single day for a year, even whilst I was on holiday, on my birthday and on Christmas Day too! I don't want to go to that extreme again but I do want to up my game a lot.
I'm going to try my very best to post at least once a week now - even better if I can get two up a week! I already post on my other social media platforms every single day, and try to microblog on Instagram everyday, so I really want to create a similar level of consistency on the blog too. Maybe things I microblog about, I can blog about in more depth here - who knows?
I often lack inspiration when I throw my all into my magazine content, but I'm going to try and keep it exciting, interesting and open as I always have done.
Let's get going!
So I guess I'd better get started! I'm really excited about taking my blog, and my brand, to the next stage and can't wait to see what new opportunities this presents to me. After four amazing years, I never think it can get better, but it always does (which is nice) - so hopefully this lucky streak will continue!
I hope you're as excited about this rebrand as I am - and please, if there's anything you want to see from me, be that a certain blog post or a whole new venture for the Love from... brand, please don't hesitate to let me know!! My content is for me of course, but ultimately, it's for you!
So let's get going!
Love from,
Florence Grace
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